Whistle reporting station
From coolearthwiki
[hide]Welcome to the On-line Whistle Reporting Station Users Guide.
For Whistle .NET The Coolearth Production Reporting Station System is a workstation for reporting new inventory at point of production. Whistle cases and containers are produced as needed, and proper interfacing to the ERP system is done.
- Introduction
- Requirements
- Version/Flavors/Modes
- Integration Options
- Hardware
- PLC, scales, printers, etc
- Software
- ERP, Queues, Logs, Publishing, Reporting/BI
- Configurations Instructions
- Deployment Instructions
- Usage
- Trouble-shooting
Part I - Introduction to Whistle Reporting Station
Part II - Configuration and Operation
- Reference Manual For Configuration (For CePro)
- Reference Manual For Configuration CW (For Catchweight Station)
- Reference for Labels For Catchweight Station
- Net Weight Mode