Reference Manual For Configuration CW
From coolearthwiki
[hide]High Level Setup - Catchweight Station
Mandatory Values
- Variable: stationId
- Mandatory
- Description: Id for CePro Station - must exist in the wmCeProStationRegistration table.
- Variable: cacheCompany
- Mandatory
- Description: ERP Company code.
- Variable: cacheWarehouse
- Mandatory
- Description: ERP Warehouse Code.
- Variable: lineKey
- Mandatory
- Description: Define what line this is. Will be written to loose cases.
- Variable: uniqeIds
- Optional
- Description: If true, overrides the start/end case numbers and generates a new universal case number in the form of SSSYJJJCCCCC (SSS is station id, CCCCC is a case incrementer that is reset to 1 each day).
- Variable: startCase
- Mandatory (unless uniqueIds=true)
- Description: Beginning of the case range for this station.
- Variable: endCase
- Mandatory (unless uniqueIds=true)
- Description: End of the case range for the station.
- Variable: printer
- Mandatory
- Description: Name of the case printer queue name for Bartender labels.
- Variable: printingEnabled
- Mandatory
- Description: Turn case printing on and off.
- Variable: warnPieceWeight
- Mandatory
- Description: Warn of a piece about a piece weight that is out of spec. Operator will still be allowed to make it.
- Variable: enforcePieceWeight
- Mandatory
- Description: Do not permit the operator to make a piece whose weight is out of spec.
- Variable: warnCaseWeight
- Mandatory
- Description: Warn if the case weight is out of spec. Operator is still allowed to make it.
- Variable: enforceCaseWeight
- Mandatory
- Description: Do not permit the operator to make a case whose weight is out of spec.
Operational Values
- Variable: osk.on
- Default: False
- Optional
- Description: Add the Keyboard button to the login screen.
- Variable:
- Default: startkeyboard.exe
- Optional
- Description: Override the keyboard program to start.
- Variable: NoZeroPieceCount
- Default: False
- Optional
- Description: Do not permit zero piece count entries to be made.
- Variable: forceCasesOffline
- Default: False
- Optional
- Description: Operate as if the case processor was offline. Cases are still processed and sent to the database in a background thread if the database is reachable.
- Variable: PackedByName
- Default: Empty
- Optional
- Description: Sets the default Packed-By address name.
- Variable: PackedByAddress1
- Default: Empty
- Optional
- Description: Sets the address line 1 for the Pack-By address.
- Variable: PackedByAddress2
- Default: Empty
- Optional
- Description: Sets the address line 2 for the Packed-By address.
- Variable: HandlingInstructions
- Default: xx
- Optional
- Description: Set the default handling instructions on the label.
- Variable: HandlingInstructionCountries
- Default: USA,CDN
- Optional
- Description: Allow instructions to be set by country.
- Variable: HandlingInstructions-{country}
- Default: Empty
- Optional
- Description: Set the instructions for that country (the list is specified in HandlingInstructionCountries).
- Variable: defaultCustomerPackedByAddress
- Default: Empty
- Optional
- Description: Set the default CustomerPackedByAddress. This is used if there is no packed-by address on the order.
- Variable: LabelRegNumber
- Default: Empty
- Optional
- Description: Registration number. Official registration code for this warehouse.
- Variable: OfficialTimeOffsetHours
- Default: 0
- Optional
- Description: Number of hours where bookkeeping midnight should occur (if 6am, then this will be 6).
- Variable: lineStickyPieces
- Default: False
- Optional
- Description: Once the number of pieces is set, don't change it from the item. (this is probably a deprecated feature).
- Variable: ScaleWeightFactor
- Default: 1
- Optional
- Description: Factor to multiply the raw scale by (used to convert bases or shift a fixed decimal point).
- Variable: ScaleUOM
- Default: LBS
- Optional
- Description: The UOM the scale reads in (such as LBS, GM, KG, or OZ).
- Variable: DisplayUOM
- Default: LBS
- Optional
- Description: Same as ScaleUOM, but what unit the scale head on the catchweight will be in (this can be different from ScaleUOM).
- Variable: UOMFieldName
- Default: uom_key
- Optional
- Description: Name of the uom field to use in the in_item_tbl table. In Process Logic this is uom_key, in Northscope this is weight_uom.
- Variable: ScaleMode
- Default: xx
- Optional
- Description: Setting for how scale operates. One of: fireonclick, continuous, fireany, fireonsettle, manual.
- Variable: ScaleFloor
- Default: 0
- Optional
- Description:Do not allow scale readings below this value.
- Variable: SettledReadingsRequired
- Default: False
- Optional
- Description: Require scale to be settled before weight is read (requires a scale that sends settled flags to the driver).
- Variable: categoryFilter
- Default: Empty (select all)
- Optional
- Description: Filter out only these category codes on items and orders.
- Variable: {mode}$categoryFilter,comma list
- Default: Not set
- Optional
- Description: Allow the mode to be selected on the command line.
- Variable: reworkPermitted
- Default: False
- Optional
- Description: Allow line to process rework (rework button will be enabled).
- Variable: reworkLineNo
- Default: 0
- Optional
- Description: What line will reworked product be reported from.
- Variable: denyOverproduction
- Default: xx
- Optional
- Description: Do not permit order to be overfilled.
- Variable: scanvaegtLog
- Default: Not set
- Optional
- Description: Filename for ScanVaegt debug log.
- Variable: caseSplitEnable
- Default: False
- Optional
- Description: Turn on the Case Split screen.
- Variable: UseACItemView
- Default: xx
- Optional
- Description: YY
- Variable: UseDummyLot
- Default: xx
- Optional
- Description: Use a dummy lot (no lot entry required).
- Variable: enforcePieceCount
- Default: False
- Optional
- Description: Only show orders for items that has the same number of pieces selected.
- Variable: fillSizeAscend
- Default: xx
- Optional
- Description: Size list is normally largest to smallest. This reverses this.
- Variable: fillCategorySort
- Default: Not set
- Optional
- Description: List of Grade Categories, list will be in this order. Other grades will appear at the end.
- Variable: scanvaegtReport
- Default: Not set
- Optional
- Description: Filename to generate ScanVaegt report.
Deprecated Values
- Variable: isWholeFish
- Deprecated
- Variable: PackedByOwners
- Deprecated
- Variable: PackedByName_{owner}
- Deprecated
- Variable: PackedByAddress1_{owner}
- Deprecated
- Variable: PackedByAddress2_{owner}
- Deprecated
- Variable: AllPackFor
- Deprecated
- Variable: HomeOwners
- Deprecated
- Variable: matrixLotBase
- Deprecated