From coolearthwiki
[hide]Reporting Functionality
- Catchweighted/Randomweight Reporting (with or without a palletizer) - Capture weight from a scale and report individual cases with highly customizable labels. Palletizer will generate pallet tags.
- Netweight/Nominalweight Reporting with Giveaway(with palletizer) - Report pallets of netweighted cases. Cases can optionally be individually weighted to capture giveaway and has the same case label system as the catchweighted cases. Pallet tags are generated.
- Bulk reporting Netweight/Nominalweight - Automatically generate pallets of netweighted items with pallet tags. Generic (uncasetracked) case labels may also be optionally printed in bulk (customized with production dates and order/lot information).
- Bulk Reporting By Weight - Bulk containers can be reported and pallet tags generated. This can also be used for WIP.
Line Architectures
- Static Scale
- Weight-In-Motion
- Photo-Eye
- Printer Based
Label Features
- Bartender or Videojet (or similar) printing systems
- Customized Labels Per Item
- Different default labels per line
- Access to large number of data fields
- Printing architecture is configurable -- possible to use other printing engines
- Database storage of labels in central database via the Bartender Librarian
Yield Chain (WIP)
- Compute Yield Loss
- Automatic Issue Incoming Container into Outgoing Order
- Tie together WIP items through their processing
Miscellaneous Features
- Alternate Container ID
- Integration with QC Screens