Reference Manual For Configuration
From coolearthwiki
[hide]- 1 High Level Setup
- 2 Screen Appearance
- 3 Database Configuration
- 4 Date Management
- 5 Main Production Reporting Setup
- 6 Production Reporting Transaction
- 7 Auto-Issuing Transaction
- 8 Sample Mode Transaction
- 9 Simple UOM Conversions
- 10 Adage Interfacing
- 11 Videojet Setup
- 12 Scales
- 13 File Sweeper
- 14 Special Screens
High Level Setup
- Variable: cacheCompany
- Default: null
- Mandatory
- Description: ERP Company code.
- Variable: cacheWarehouse
- Default: null
- Mandatory
- Description: ERP Warehouse Code.
- Variable: cachePlant
- Default: null
- Mandatory
- Description: ERP Plant Code.
- Variable: cacheBranch
- Default: null
- Mandatory
- Description: ERP Branch Code.
- Variable: lineKey
- Default: 99
- Mandatory
- Description: The number line key. This gets written to a few places in the database and is used to construct filenames and such.
- Variable: SecurityLogFile
- Default: null
- Description: Filename of an optional security log. This file gets current created in the executable directory.
Screen Appearance
- Variable: overrideLoginScreen
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: allowExit
- Default: true
- Description: Enable the exit button on the titlebar. Setting this to false puts the station into more of a kiosk mode (though it is still quite easy to get out of the program and isn't sufficient to make it into a kiosk, but this is a necessary step).
Database Configuration
- Variable: Table.wmProductionDetail
- Default: dbo.wmProductionDetail
- Description: Override the name of the actual table/view for the sales order abstraction.
- Variable: wmProductionDetail.UserSql
- Default: empty
- Description:
Date Management
- Variable: productionDayOffsetInMinutes
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: Practice.ProdDate.Source
- Default: fromofficialdate
- Description:
- Variable: Practice.PullDate.Source
- Default: fromproddate
- Description:
Main Production Reporting Setup
- Variable: NetWeightMode
- Default: GenerateNominalNetweightLabels
- Options: GenerateActualNetweightLabels, GenerateNominalNetweightLabels, RawPalletizerMode
- Description: What style of netweight cases should the system process
- GenerateActualNetweightLabels - Generate netweight cases, but print the actualweight on the label
- GenerateNominalNetweightLabels - Generate netweight cases, print the nominalweight on the label
- RawPalletizerMode - Print labels in bulk, and do palletizing in bulk
- Variable: prodRep.enableTareLabel
- Default: false
- Description:Allow the generation of a tare label. System will need to have the tare label in it's label directory.
- Variable: refreshFlushesLabels
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: useItemScanner
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: useItemScannerDelay
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: Backflush Enabled
- Default: false
- Description:Set to true to enable backflushing logic and to cause Production Reporting Station to interface with Whistle Server.
- Variable: Backflush SoftFail
- Default: false
- Description:If false, Whistle Server will fail the entire transaction when there is insufficient inventory in the backflush bins. If true, Whistle Server will take whatever is available in the case of a shortage and still mark the reported item as successfully backflushed. This value should be synchronized with the corresponding settings in Whistle Server/Whistle GX Studio and Whistle GT.
- Variable: Backflush Queue
- Default: Global/Main
- Description:This is the name of the queue from which the Whistle Server draws backflush transaction requests. The default value of “Global/Main” is appropriate in most situations. This value should be synchronized with the corresponding settings in Whistle Server/Whistle GX Studio and Whistle GT.
Material Selection Setup
- Variable: prodRep.lotReadOnly
- Default: lotReadOnly
- Description:Lot is computed, but the field on the screen the lot field is uneditable. This is good for a fully generated lot where you want to protect data integrity.
- Variable: prodRep.lotLockDisable
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: prodRep.ProdDateEditable
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: lotFormatter
- Default: null
- Description:
- Variable: defaultSelectorDateMask
- Default: DefaultDateMask
- Description:
- Variable: lotFormatterUsesProdDate
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: requireUniqueLotCertification
- Default:
- Description:
- Variable: errorContactInfo
- Default: Contact System Administrator
- Description: Change the contact message for error messages. This is good to specify help desk numbers and contact hours.
- Variable: enforceTare
- Default: false
- Description:System will use tares specified in the item setup.
- Variable: WeightUOMsOnly
- Default: false
- Description:Only show bulk items which have a UOM that is a weight in the production order dropdown.
- Variable: UseByLabel
- Default: Use By
- Description: Override the text of the "Use By" label. This can be whatever, such as "Sell By", or "Expiration". The string "NONE" will supress the field.
- Variable: prodRep.EnterOrderManually
- Default: false
- Description:This eliminates the order dropdown and makes the user enter (or scan) in the order number.
- Variable: ReadModeItemPack
- Default: false
- Description:If using an item scanner, the barcode will be item-pack
- Variable: ReadModeProdkey
- Default: false
- Description:If using an item scanner, the barcode will be the product key
- Variable: ReadModeUPC
- Default: false
- Description:If using an item scanner, the barocde will be the upc.
- Variable: palettizeLockSelectorChanges
- Default: true
- Description:
- Variable: recomputeLot
- Default: false
- Description:Lot contains date elements, the lot can be recomputed after each pallet.
- Variable: selectionPermanentLock
- Default: true
- Description:
- Variable: lotParser.EnforceSyntax
- Default: false
- Description:Use a regular expression to enforce syntax with the lot. The lot field will turn red if the syntax is incorrect.
This can also act as a parser to pull parts out of the lot. Some of these, like dates can be checked for accuracy.
- Variable: lotParser.EnableLotDate
- Default: false
- Description:Check dates inside a lot for validity.
- Variable: lotParser.PullDate.MaxPast
- Default: 30
- Description:How many days backdated can the pulldate be set (can not be set into the future)
- Variable: lotParser.LotDate.MaxPast
- Default: 30
- Description:Number of days the date within the lot can vary from the production date.
- Variable: lotParser.LotDate.MaxFuture
- Default: 30
- Description:Number of days the date within the lot can vary from the production date.
- Variable: lotRecomputePerPallet
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: lotFormatter.BounceCounterOnPallet
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: lineCode
- Default: Z
- Description:Option for an alphanumeric line code. Only used within the lot system -- often to put the code into the lot.
- Variable: scheduleIsPlant
- Default: true
- Description:wmProductionDetail plant column is specified in the where clause. This is used depending on if the plant is valid within the table/view.
- Variable: scheduleIsWarehouse
- Default: true
- Description:wmProductionDetail warehouse column is specified in the where clause. This is used depending on if the warehouse is valid within the table/view.
- Variable: LotLine
- Default: empty
- Description:Another place holder for lines codes used within the lot.
Case Label Setup
Case Editor Setup
- Variable: Label.Case.Default.Label
- Default: Case_default.btw
- Description:
- Variable: Label.Case.NetWeight.Label
- Default: Case_NetWeight.btw
- Description:
- Variable: Label.Case.DataFile
- Default: ceCaseData.txt
- Description:
- Variable: Label.Case.WeightOnly.Label
- Default: Case_weightonly.btw
- Description:
- Variable: Label.Case.WeightOnly.DataFile
- Default: ceCaseWeightOnly.txt
- Description:
- Variable: Label.Case.Tare.DataFile
- Default: ceTare.txt
- Description:
- Variable: Label.Case.Tare.Label
- Default: TareLabel.btw
- Description:
- Variable: Label.Case.UnderOver.Label
- Default: Case_overunder.btw
- Description:
- Variable: Label.Case.UnderOver.DataFile
- Default: ceCaseOverUnder.txt
- Description:
- Variable: labelPath
- Default: @lib:\\
- Description:
- Variable: caseDataFilePath
- Default: @C:\Program Files\Coolearth Software\Production Reporting Station\Labels\
- Description:
- Variable: checkCaseWeight
- Default: true
- Description:
- Variable: enforceCaseWeight
- Default: true
- Description:
- Variable: makeLabelOverUnder
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: startCase
- Default: -999
- Mandatory
- Description:
- Variable: endCase
- Default: -997
- Mandatory
- Description:
- Variable: casePrintingEnabled
- Default: true
- Description:
- Variable: casePrinter
- Default: empty
- Mandatory:if using case labels
- Description:
- Variable: caseLabelCopies
- Default: 1
- Description:
- Variable: prodRep.MakeButton
- Default: Build Pallet
- Description:
- Variable: prodRep.reprintLabel
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: prodRep.autoMakeCase
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: prodRep.autoMakeCaseOnScan
- Default: true
- Description:
- Variable: prodRep.enableWeightLabel
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: prodRep.weightLabelMask
- Default: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- Description:
- Variable: IgnoreButtonSeconds
- Default:
- Description:
- Variable: casePrinterType
- Default: bartender
- Description:
- Variable: Guard.Any
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: Guard.YieldUnder
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: Guard.YieldOver
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: Guard.OverProduction
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: StaticPrinterMode
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: FireCaseOnPrint
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: MakeCaseVerify
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: prodRep.MakeButton
- Default:
- Description:
- Variable: casePrinterType
- Default: bartender
- Description:
- Variable: casePrintingEnabled
- Default: false
- Description:
Label Generation Setup
- Variable: secondaryTareIsPercent
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: SecondaryTare.IncludeInLabelNet
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: prodkeySameAsItem
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: useSoProdExt
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: generateGTIN
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: trimEANCode
- Default: true
- Description:
- Variable: useManufacturerID
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: usePackagingCode
- Default: 1
- Description:
- Variable: palletPackagingCode
- Default: 2
- Description:
- Variable: establishment
- Default: 99999
- Description:
- Variable: factoryAddress
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: defaultDateUFmt
- Default: MM/dd/yy
- Description:
- Variable: defaultDateEuroFmt
- Default: dd/MM/yyyy
- Description:
- Variable: defaultLabelWallClock
- Default: HHmm
- Description:
- Variable: casePrinterType
- Default: bartender
- Description:
Palletizer Setup
- Variable: enablePalletizer
- Default: true
- Description:
- Variable: productionOutputBin
- Default: PRODSTAGE
- Description:
- Variable: prodRep.firePalletizeOnFull
- Default: firePalletizeOnFull
- Description:
- Variable: Bins.Deleted
- Default: DELETED
- Description:
- Variable: palletizeInBackground
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: printRawCaseLabelMode
- Default: Separate
- Description:
- Variable: prodRep.ProdDateEditable
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: requireUniqueLotCertification
- Default:
- Description:
- Variable: HistoricalInventory.Enabled
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: trackFormatter
- Default: null
- Description:
Yield Chain
- Variable: Yield.Enabled
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: Yield.RootStation
- Default: UNSET
- Description:
- Variable: DirectedPutaway.List
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: StationRole
- Default: UNSET
- Description:
- Variable: TransactionModes.Selector
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.ValidModes
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.Enabled
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.Name
- Default: Alt-Pallet
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.Label
- Default: AltContIdLabel.Text
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.UserParam
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: Order.UserParam
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.MaxWipLife
- Default: 60
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.Generate
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.Min
- Default: 1
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.Max
- Default: 1000000
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.MaxMinCheck
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.GetTareUserParam
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.Predecessor
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.PredecessorItem
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.PredecessorSameOrder
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.PredecessorParam
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.LockOut
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainderId.AcceptableStatuses
- Default: ACTIVE
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.UsePredLot
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.CheckCurrent
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: Yield.Enabled
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: Yield.Station
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: Yield.STATION.Samples
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: Yield. STATION.Sample.NNN.Name
- Default: UNSET
- Description:
- Variable: Yield. STATION.Sample.NNN.FUserParam
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: Yield. STATION.Sample.NNN.DateUserParam
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: AltContainerId.GetTrackUserParam
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: StationRole
- Default: UNSET
- Description:
Pallet Label Printing
- Variable: palletPrintingEnabled
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: palletLabelPath
- Default: labelPath
- Description:
- Variable: palletPrinter
- Default: none
- Mandatory:if printing pallet labels
- Description:
- Variable: palletPrinterCopies
- Default: 1
- Description:
- Variable: Labels.Pallet.DataFile
- Default: Pallet_default.btw
- Description:
- Variable: Labels.Pallet.Default.Label
- Default: Pallet_default.btw
- Description:
Pallet Label Reprint
- Variable: Pallet.Reprint.AltId
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: Pallet.Reprint.Order
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: Pallet.Reprint.Station
- Default: 0
- Description:
Reset Cycle (what it does after pallet finished)
- Variable: ResetCycle.MaterialSelectorXXX
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: ResetCycle.SetMode
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: ResetCycle.Putaway
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: prodRep.ResetAfterUOMPallet
- Default: true
- Description:
Scale Control Window
- Variable: Scale.Driver
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: prodRep.fireCaseOnWeight
- Default: fireCaseOnWeight
- Description:
- Variable: SecondaryTare.Name
- Default: Secondary Tare
- Description:
- Variable: SecondaryTare.IncludeInNet
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: SecondaryTare.Mask
- Default: null
- Description:
- Variable: Weight.ManualEntry
- Default: true
- Description:
- Variable: Weight.Keypad.Places
- Default: 1
- Description:
Job Summary
- Variable: enableJobSummary
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: JobSummary.OrderLegend
- Default: Order
- Description:
- Variable: JobSummary.LotLegend
- Default: Lot
- Description:
- Variable: JobSummary.PalletLegend
- Default: Pallets
- Description:
- Variable: JobSummary.CatchLegend
- Default: CatchW
- Description:
- Variable: JobSummary.LotIncludesItem
- Default: true
- Description:
Production Reporting Transaction
- Variable: atfCreateReportProd
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: atfCreateReportMisc
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: atfReportMiscReasonCode
- Default: null
- Description:
- Variable: Pallet.CreateOnHold
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: Pallet.CreateOnHoldStatus
- Default: AUTOHD
- Description:
- Variable: prodRep.UserParam.vcX.Format
- Default: null
- Description:
- Variable: prodRep.UserParam.fX.Format
- Default: null
- Description:
- Variable: Shift.Enable
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: lotParser.LotDate.ExpireBuffer
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: Shift.Source
- <i>Default: <b>lot
- Description:
- ListShift.Lot.Substring
Auto-Issuing Transaction
- <b>Variable:</b> <b><i>ItemIssue.DoOrderIssue
- Default: true
- Description: If the Yield Chain is on, issue the incoming pallet to the outgoing order.
- Variable: ItemIssue.DispositionBin
- Default: DELETED
- Description: What bin to place the original container in after the issue transaction. The only time where this would not be 'DELETED' would be if you were using WIP bins. I this case, you'd just specify what WIP bin you want.
- Variable: ItemIssue.DispositionStatusKey
- Default: PHANTOM
- Description: The container status of the original container.
- Variable: atfReportMiscIssueCode
- Default: UNSET
- Description:
Sample Mode Transaction
- Variable: RecordSample.FUserParam
- Default: -1
- Description:
- Variable: RecordSample.StoreDateParam
- Default: -1
- Description:
- Variable: RecordSample.StoreDateMask
- Default: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- Description:
Simple UOM Conversions
- Variable: WeightUOM.Tare
- Default: Ask
- Description:
- Variable: WeightUOM.List
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: WeightUOM.UOMNAME.Convert
- Default: 1.0
- Description:
Adage Interfacing
Lot Creation
- Variable: createERPLots
- Default: true
- Description:
- Variable: Lot.AutoHold
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: Lot.Status.QCTests
- Default: Hold
- Description:
- Variable: Lot.Status.Default
- Default: Approved
- Description:
- Variable: lotParser.Syntax
- Default: null
- Description:
- Variable: lotParser.Elements
- Default: null
- Description:
- Variable: createERPSublots
- Default: false
- Description:
TEE Writer Configuration
- Variable: ERPInforATFPath
- Default: empty
- Mandatory
- Description:
- Variable: prodRep.ReportIntoWarehouse
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: ERPUseTranDateForAdage4_5TEE
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: ERPUseTranDateForAdage5_0TEE
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: ERPClass
- Default: ADAGE
- Description:
- Variable: ERPVersion
- Default: 5_0
- Description:
Videojet Setup
- Variable: casePrint.VideoJet.Ip
- Default: null
- Description:
- Variable: casePrint.VideoJet.Template
- Default: Default
- Description:
- Variable: casePrint.VideoJet.NwTemplate
- Default: NetWeight
- Description:
- Variable: casePrint.VideoJet.SendFields
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: casePrint.VideoJet.Cycle
- Default: 3000
- Description:
- Variable: casePrint.VideoJet.MaxFire
- Default: 2
- Description:
Mettler-Toledo Continuous Scale
- Variable: Scale.ComPort
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.Description
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.LeftTrim
- Default: -1
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.RightTrim
- Default: -1
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.Divisor
- Default: 1.0
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.Format
- Default: Simple
- Description:
Rice-Lake IP Scale
- Variable: Scale.Mode
- Default: Continuous
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.Format
- Default: simple
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.ComPort
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.Divisor
- Default: divisor
- Description:
Generic Serial Weight-In-Motion
- Variable: Scale.ComPort
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.Description
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.LeftTrim
- Default: -1
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.RightTrim
- Default: -1
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.Divisor
- Default: 1.0
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.Format
- Default: Simple
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.ComPort
- Default: 1
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.Baud
- Default: 9600
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.MsTimeout
- Default: 1000
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.BufferSize
- Default: 6
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.EOL
- Default: 13
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.Divisor
- Default: divisor
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.Parity
- Default: odd
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.StopBits
- Default: 1
- Description:
- Variable: Scale.ByteSize
- Default: 8
- Description:
File Sweeper
- Variable: StartFileSweepers
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: SWEEPERNAME.Enabled
- Default: true
- Description:
- Variable: SWEEPERNAME.ShareName
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: SWEEPERNAME.DriveLetter
- Default: DriveLetter
- Description:
- Variable: SWEEPERNAME.UserName
- Default: Username
- Description:
- Variable: SWEEPERNAME.Password
- Default: Password
- Description:
- Variable: SWEEPERNAME.ToPath
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: SWEEPERNAME.FromPath
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: SWEEPERNAME.SweepMask
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: SWEEPERNAME.PerFilePause
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: SWEEPERNAME.SweepMode
- Default: unset
- Description:
- Variable: SWEEPERNAME.CycleTime
- Default: 10000
- Description:
Special Screens
Multi-Tabs (Multiple Applications)
- Variable: MultiTab.Count
- Default: 1
- Description:
- Variable: MultiTab.NNN.Name
- Default: null
- Description:
- Variable: MultiTab.NNN.Form
- Default: null
- Description:
- Variable: MultiTab.TABNAME.Assembly
- Default: null
- Description:
- Variable: MultiTab.TABNAME.ConstructorArgs
- Default: null
- Description:
Multimode Menus (Combo Screens)
- Variable: Multi.Count
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: Multi.Columns
- Default: 1
- Description:
- Variable: Multi.Button.Height
- Default: 120
- Description:
- Variable: Multi.Button.Width
- Default: 350
- Description:
- Variable: Multi.Modes
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: Multi.NNN.Legend
- Default: menPref + Legend
- Description:
- Variable: Multi.NNN.Command
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: Multi.NNN.Effect
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: Multi.NNN.Start
- Default: false
- Description:
Admin Menu Configuration
- Variable: adminMenu.Count
- Default: 0
- Description:
- Variable: adminMenu.Password
- Default: _menuPassword
- Description:
- Variable: adminMenu.NNN.Legend
- Default: menPref + Legend
- Description:
- Variable: adminMenu.NNN.Command
- Default: empty
- Description:
- Variable: adminMenu.NNN.PasswordReq
- Default: _needPass
- Description:
- Variable: needPassToChangeCasePrinter
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: needPassToChangePalletPrinter
- Default: false
- Description:
- Variable: allowDisablePrinter
- Default: false
- Description:
Custom Label Field Prompting
- Variable: Label.Setup.CASELABEL.Prompts
- Default: -1
- Description:
- Variable: Label.Setup.CASELABEL.Prompt.PROMPT.Text
- Default: UNSET
- Description:
- Variable: Label.Setup.CASELABEL.Prompt.PROMPT.Variable
- Default: UNSET
- Description:
- Variable: Label.Setup.CASELABEL.Prompt.PROMPT.Validator
- Default: none
- Description:
- Variable: Label.Setup.CASELABEL.Prompt.PROMPT.DateMask
- Default: null
- Description: