GT:Report Production Window Settings

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Window Settings (Ctrl-L, select Window Settings)

Report to Existing Cont - checkbox
The user is permitted to report production to an existing container, rather than being forced to create a new one.
Print Label Doc - textfield
This is the document detailing the label layout, including the file path.
Prompt Prod date, calc pulldate - checkbox
This option will display a Prod Date field, and use the entered value to calculate the pull date.
Allow reporting of by products - checkbox
Allow the user to report by products.
Number of Labels to Print - textfield
Default value is 1.
Lock Lot Field - checkbox
If this option is turned on, the lot field value cannot be changed.
Show Bulk Orders - checkbox
Default to on. Shows bulk orders.
Confirm Success - checkbox
When the transaction is successfully concluded, display a message.
No Order Matching - checkbox
If this setting is turned on, do not check to see if the order has previously been reported against.
Untracked Locn - textfield
Set up the location to put untracked inventory.
Number of User Params - textfield
Set up number of user parameters to display on this window.
Default Untracked Qty - checkbox
If reporting untracked inventory, default the quantity amount field.
Lock Date on Update - checkbox
currently unused
Max Days Back Dated - textfield
Maximum number of days the user is allowed to back date.
Setup Untracked - checkbox
If checked, user is allowed to setup untracked inventory.
Do not allow untracked - checkbox
User is not allowed to produce untracked inventory.
Confirm build - checkbox
After a pallet is successfully built, display a message.
Default Proddate - textfield
Default value for the Prod date.
Default Lot - textfield
Default value for the Lot.
Default Line for Lot - textfield
Default line to use for the Lot.
Un-backflush - checkbox
Undo backflush. NOTE: This setting is unrelated to Whistle backflush functionality.
Default to report new on existing - checkbox
If an order has already been reported, default the messagebox choice to Report New.
Default Putaway - checkbox
If on, set the Put checkbox field to checked.
Show bulk option - checkbox
Show the bulk version of the item in the selection list.
Do not suggest qty - checkbox
Do not default the quantity value.
Confirm Extended Lot - checkbox
Collect more lot information when this checkbox is turned on.
Suggest Production Order as Lot - checkbox
Default the Production Order as the Lot number.
Suggest Pre-certified Lot - checkbox
Default the lot field to the pre-certified lot.
Hide layers and parts - checkbox
Do not display the Layers and Parts fields.
Validate report to existing volume tolerances - checkbox
Suggest the amount of inventory that will result in a full pallet.
Use only pre-printed labels - checkbox
Do not create new pallets, use the pre-printed labels instead.
Confirm new tracking number creation for pre-printed - checkbox
When this setting is on, a message box appears to have the user confirm that the pre-printed label is for a new pallet.
Number of pallets allowed to create <0 = UNLIMITED> - textfield
Set the largest number of pallets the user is allowed to create at one time. Default is 0, which is unlimited.
Production Day begins on hour <0=12AM, 7=7AM> - textfield
Set the hour to begin the Production Day. Default is 0, which is midnight.
Auto-fill proddate - checkbox
Default the proddate to the current date and time.
Use real timestamp in proddate - checkbox
Show the actual time, rather than default to zeros
Use track number as lot number - checkbox
Use the track number as the lot number
Clear on okay - checkbox
Clear all the fields after the order is processed.
Default Owner - textfield
Default value to put in Owner field.
Default reason code - textfield
Default value to use as the reason code.
Append Group Code to Reason Code - checkbox
Not used.
Default line (Parity) - checkbox
When this setting is turned on, the production line that is being reported against will remain on the screen until another line is selected. Currently only available to users with the Parity ERP system.
Default shift - checkbox
When this setting is turned on, the shift value will be retrieved from the database.
Save start time in userfield one - checkbox
Save the Start Time value in user param one.
Save prod line desc in userfield two - checkbox
Save the Product Line description field in user param two.
Save pallet number in userfield three - checkbox
Save the pallet number in user param three.
EV certify primary outputs - checkbox
Certify the primary outputs.
Update by Track - checkbox
When on, the user can update an existing report production by entering a track #, which will be used to find the order.
Save production lot in userfield four - checkbox
Save the production lot (a user created value) in user param four.
Save production misc info in userfield five - checkbox
Save misc production information in user param five. Currently not used.
Save first part of bcs barcode in userfield six - checkbox
Save the first part of of the BCS barcode in user param six. Currently not used.
Save last part of bcs barcode in userfield seven - checkbox
Save the last part of of the BCS barcode in user param seven. Currently not used.
Default lot to last digit of prod year + 3 digit Julian day - checkbox
Set the default value of the lot field to the last digit of prod year + 3 digit Julian day.
Prevent entry of future dates in Prod Date field - checkbox
When this option is turned on, the Prod Date field will not allow the entry of future dates.
Require ERP lot creation - checkbox
A lot will be created, if one does not already exist.
Collect Production Line - checkbox
Have the user enter the production line information.
Set Lot Hold Code if QC Tests exist - checkbox
The lot hold code will be set if there are QC Tests set up for this lot.
Override Use Tran Date for Adage 4.5 TEE setting - checkbox
This setting will override the setting Use Tran Date for Adage 4.5 TEE.
Collect Kill Date - checkbox
Collect the kill date information.
Use Lot Extension table for Kill Date - checkbox
When collecting kill dates, get information from the lot extension tables.
Select Shelf Life at 0) Default 1) Co 2) Whs 3) Ent level - textfield
Enter in a 0, 1, 2, 3 to indicate where the shelf life information will be retrieved from.
Show KillDate after Lot message is displayed - checkbox
If collecting the kill date, then show the kill date to the user after the lot creation message has been displayed.
Check Backflush Before Reporting Production - checkbox
FOR ADAGE BACKFLUSH ONLY - check to see that there are sufficient levels of backflushable inventory for this order before reporting production. NOTE: This setting is unrelated to Whistle backflush functionality and should likely be OFF when using Whistle backflush functionality.
Select Kill Date from List - checkbox
If collecting the kill date, make the user select an existing kill date from a list of dates, do not allow them to create a new one.
Lot Number Format - textfield
Enter a 1 to create a lot number in the pattern of PPYJJJHHSSSS, enter a 2 to create a lot number in the pattern YYJJJPPL.
Use oldest input expiration date for pulldate - checkbox
Use the oldest expiration date on the issued pallets as the pull date for reporting production.
Configuration value for TrxQueue (Whistle Backflush) - textfield
This is the name of the queue to which Whistle GT will post backflush transaction requests. The default value of “Global/Main” is appropriate in most situations. (See Whistle backflush documentation for further details.)
Rollback transaction if insufficient Whistle backflush inventory - checkbox
The report production transaction will rollback if there is not enough inventory to fully backflush for the selected output for the selected order.
Permit User Override of Whistle Backflush Rollback Policy - checkbox
If Rollback transaction if insufficient Whistle backflush inventory is enabled and there is not enough inventory to fully backflush, the user can chose whether or not to rollback the report production transaction.
Mark Partially Whistle Backflushed Items Complete (SoftFail) - checkbox
If there is less than the total amount of inventory necessary to fully backflush the selected output on the order, the system will backflush what it has, mark the output as completely backflushed, and make note of the total shortage on the Backflush Historical Discrepancy report.