Credit Requests User Help

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Welcome to the QC Results - Credit Request - User Help file.

QCResults CreditRequest HTML DetailPage 2.jpg


Billing Account Field

Select the Distribution Center Billing Entity responsible for this credit request.

QCResults CreditRequest HTML DetailPage BillingAccountField 1.png

Shipping Account Field

Select the Destination Storefront where this product issue was discovered if not at the D/C.

QCResults CreditRequest HTML DetailPage ShippingAccountField 1.png

Product Field

Select the Product for the credit request.

QCResults CreditRequest HTML DetailPage ProductField 1.png

Discovery Date Field

Select or input the Discovery Date on which the issue with the product was found.

QCResults CreditRequest HTML DetailPage DiscoveryDateField 1.png

Store Number Field

Input the Store Number (or enter "DC" if the Store Number is not applicable) in which the issue with the product was found.

QCResults CreditRequest HTML DetailPage StoreNumber 1.jpg

Store Contact Field

Input the Store Contact name (or enter "DC" if the Store Contact is not applicable) who reported the issue with the product being reported.

QCResults CreditRequest HTML DetailPage StoreContact 1.jpg

Quantity Requested Field

Input the Quantity for the credit request.

QCResults CreditRequest HTML DetailPage QuantityRequestedField 1.png

Quantity UOM Field

Select the Unit of Measure (CS-Case, BG-Bag, LB-pounds) for the quantity of the credit request.

QCResults CreditRequest HTML DetailPage QuantityUOMField 1.png

Reason Code Field

Select the appropriate reason for the credit request. (If you choose Foreign Object a picture of the product issue will be required.)

QCResults CreditRequest HTML DetailPage ReasonCodeField 1.png

Comment/Description Field

Please input any useful information about the product issue.

QCResults CreditRequest HTML DetailPage CommentField 1.png

Picture Field

Upload any picture of the product issue you can provide. This is required if you select Foreign Object as the Reason Code for the credit request.

QCResults CreditRequest HTML DetailPage ImageUpload 1.jpg

Lot Code Field

Input the lot code found on the individual packaging or input the lot code information found on the case label.

Individual Packaging:


THIS IS THE LOT CODE LotCodeFeb2014.png

Case Label:

THIS IS THE LOT CODE QCResults CreditRequest HTML DetailPage ProductionCodeField 2.jpg

Use Thru Date Field

Select or input the Use Thru Date printed on the individual product packaging.



Submit Request Button

Once each mandatory field has been completed, the Submit Request button will become available. Click on the Submit Request button to submit the credit request to the system for processing.

QCResults CreditRequest HTML DetailPage SubmitRequestButton 1.png

Back Button

This button returns the user to the Product Credit Request main menu.

Save Button

This button saves the form with the currently input data for later retrieval and completion.

Delete Button

This button will delete the currently unsubmitted credit request from the system.

QCResults CreditRequest HTML DetailPage ButtonBar 1.png

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