36:Preprint Window Settings

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Screen Settings (Ctrl-L)

Print Label Doc - textfield
This field is used to specify the path and file name for the label document.
Use DB counter - checkbox
When this option is turned on, the Start # value will be retrieved from the database, if it is set up.
Display Pre-Print Prefix on window? - checkbox
When this option is turned on, the Prefix field will display on the screen. This field collects the 2 character prefix that will show on tha label with the track #.
Preprinted prefix - textfield
This field collects a default prefix string to be used at the start of each track #. The Display Pre-Print Prefix on window? checkbox must be turned Off.
Use enterprise counter (no effect when Use DB counter off) - checkbox
When this option is turned on, the counter used comes from a different table in the database.