GX:Page 1 Settings

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This window displays the System Settings window (The Master Whistle Settings).

The settings are broken up into tab pages accessible by using the function key (F1, F2, etc.) or its alternate, Ctrl-F and the corresponding page number (eg Ctrl-F, 2).

The settings are as follows :

DB Name - inputfield
This setting takes the Database Name.
DB User - inputfield
This setting takes the Database Username assigned to Whistle.
DB Pass - inputfield
This setting takes the Database Password assigned to the DB User.
DB Type - scrollfield
This setting declares the Database type (Sql Server or Informix).
Debug - checkbox
With this option turned on, Whistle will run in debug mode.
Use Tasking
With this option turned on, Whistle will use tasking functionality.
Use DayCode
With this option turned on, Whistle will use DayCodes where appropriate.
Use MQ
With this option turned on, Whistle will use MQ messaging where appropriate.
Turn off over full pallet warning
With this option turned on, Whistle will turn off the over-full pallet warning message boxes.
Adage Version 
scrollfield. This setting is to declare the ERP system type and version.
Use Adage Lots 
checkbox. With this option turned on, Whistle will use Adage ERP lots in conjunction with Whistle lot tracking.
Rollback transaction if print fails? - checkbox. With this option turned on, Whistle will rollback database transactions should a related print request fail.
Mailserver IP 
inputfield. This setting takes a mailserver IP address for outgoing mail messages.
WSL Server IP 
inputfield. This setting takes the Whistle Server IP address for connectivity.
PrintServer IP 
inputfield. This setting takes the printserver IP address for outgoing print requests.
ATF Path 
inputfield. This setting takes the file path for outbound middle-ware transaction files.
Handheld Lines 
inputfield. This setting takes the line-number maximum for handheld displays.
Handheld Columns 
inputfield. This setting takes the column-number maximum for handheld displays.