GT:Quality Menu
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Revision as of 18:41, 24 May 2006 by (Talk)
“Quality” refers to the status of a Track # or Lot #: active or inactive. An “Active” status allows a container to be moved, shipped, or otherwise altered. An “Inactive” status (Hold, Hard Hold, Ship Hold) renders a container inaccessible based on the status type. “Hold” means the inventory cannot be issued or shipped. “Hard Hold” places the inventory into a predefined Hard-Hold ERP location, which is often non-nettable, with an associated stock-move. “Ship Hold” allows the inventory to be issued, but not shipped.
Only certain users shall be authorized to update the quality status of a container. The authorization is set up using the users permission functionality in Adage.
- Pallet Hold Window This window updates individual pallet statuses.
- Pallet Multi-Hold Window This window updates the status of multiple pallets at a time.
- Adjust Lot Hold Window This window updates the status of desired item-lots.
- Misc Hold Window This window allows the user to search and define a class of pallets including user-parameter criteria that will then have all of their statuses changed.
- Extend Pulldate Window This window allows the user to extend the pulldate of an item based on its lot.
- QC Tests Window This window manages Quality Control Tests from the ERP system.