GS:Adjust Lot Hold Window

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Adj (Adjust) Lot Hold How to adjust the status of an item-lot: Select ‘Adj Lot Hold’ from the quality menu.

This window works from the premise that the user will select criteria for a search. This criteria will attempt to yield the desired collection of pallets for a given item-lot for status change.

Criteria available for the search are Item, Lot and a Begin and End Date.

Once valid Item and Lot codes are entered, the Begin and End Date fields will become landable. Should the user desire, they can specify the Begin and End Date for which desired inventory had been produced or received to help narrow the search.

Arrowing down to the <FIND> button will begin Whistle searching for inventory pallets that fall within the search criteria. The results will be displayed in the embedded result window, typically displaying 5 containers at a time. These containers are observable by arrowing through the results.

A comment can be added to each pallet in the search list in the “Cmnt” field.

The new status to be applied to the search list results is set by going to the “New Status” field and scrolling up and down (A-Z) where the user can pick the desired Status.

To commit the transaction, the user then moves the focus down to the “Do It” button and press <Enter>. A Confirmation message box will pop-up. Press <Y> or <Enter> on “Yes” to commit the transaction.