GS:Report Production Window

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This function is used to record all new items being produced.

This window is also one of a handful of windows in Whistle that are "tabbed" windows, indicated by the presence of numbers or letters in "tabs" on the upper right-hand corner of the window. A user is able to report production from different production lines on different tabbed windows by toggling between them using the F1, F2, F3, etc. keys. For example, a user may press F1 to access the report production screen for the peanut butter coming off of line #1, then press F2 to access the report production screen for the pasta sauce coming off of line 2, etc.

The # reported field at the bottom of the window displays the number of containers already reported vs. the number that are required to be reported (i.e. "3 of 46 expected" would mean that you have reported 3 containers and have (46-3=) 43 containers left to report.

To Report Production

Enter the order number of