36:User Params Window

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Revision as of 14:06, 2 June 2006 by (Talk)

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User parameters are user-defined fields for containers. Currently, they are stored in the container detail table in the database. The fields currently available are UserParamVC1-10, and UserParamF1-5. They are used for collecting specific information that is not currently available on various screens, or for presenting users with different options in the drop down lists.


Use the <A> and <Z> keys to select the user parameter you wish to set up.


Enter the name to be associated with this user parameter. This must match a name in Whistle. To see the currently available names, look in the database table wms_usercols_tbl, in the column named wms_col_name.


Enter the short name associated with this user parameter. This name can also be found in the database table wms_usercols_tbl, in the column wms_col_shortname.


Enter the type of field that will be used for this user parameter, by using the <A> and <Z> keys to move between the choices. The currently supported choices are text, datetime, and dropdown.

The Min and Max values set the length of the field. These are not required to be filled in.

The Default field is where you enter any default value you wish to plug into this field.

The next section contains the names of some of the windows in Whistle. You need to check any of the windows that you wish this user parameter to appear in.

The Required flag indicates whether or not the user will be required to put a value in this user parameter field or no. Check it if you want this to be a required field for your users.

The Hold List is not currently used.

The SQL column has two uses. When the type is "dropdown" list, it will get the data used to populate the list. For other data types, it is used to validate the value entered in the field.

There are no window settings for this window.