36:Case Report Window

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This window is used to report production using loose cases.


Case Reporting

Scan in the case label. Whistle will parse the information contained in the label, and fill the data into the appropriate fields on the screen. Focus will be set on the Quantity field.


Change the quantity if necessary.

When you are ready to report production of this case, highlight the <OK> button, and press the <Enter> key.


A confirmation message will appear to let you know that the production was successfully reported, and the pallet was successfully created.


After reporting on a case, the focus will return to the Case field, ready to report production of another case.

When you have finished, select either <Back> or "Esc" to return to the Production menu.

Options Menu

On the bottom left hand corner of the window is an Options button. Highlighting this button and pressing <Enter> will bring up the Options menu. If you do not first select an Item, you will see this informational message. Press <Enter> to continue on to the Options menu.



Delete Case

Select "Delete Case" from the <Options> button at the bottom of the screen. You will be taken to the Delete Case window.


Scan in the label of the case to be deleted. Again, Whistle will parse the information contained in the label, and plug the data into the appropriate fields on the screen. Focus will be on the <Delete> button


Press enter to delete the case. A message will display, asking you to confirm that you wish to delete this case.


Press <Enter> to continue and delete the case.

After deleting a case, all the data on the screen will be cleared, and focus to go to the <Back> button.


If you are done deleting cases, press <Enter> while the <Back> button is highlighted, or press "Esc" to return to the Case Report window. Or, you can tab or arrow up to the Case field, and delete another case.

Show Loose Cases

Select "Show Loose Cases" from the <Options> button at the bottom of the screen. You will be taken to a screen that displays all of the loose cases in the system, that is, all the cases not assigned to a particular pallet.


There are no window settings for this window.