GX:Studio User Setup
An administrator is only allowed to assign privileges that are enabled in the current warehouse. To enable privileges in a warehouse, the administrator can use the Setup Warehouse Security Permissions tool. Once the privileges are enabled in a warehouse, the administrator can then build templates with them and assign them to other users with the User Configuration Tool|Studio:Setup Warehouse Security Permissions|Setup Warehouse Security Permissions tool. Once the privileges are enabled in a warehouse, the administrator can then build templates with them and assign them to other users with the User Configuration Tool.
The User Security Templates|Studio:User Security Templates|User Security Templates tool can be used to tailor the templates, both for creating new templates from the ground up or creating a default studio user templates. Each screen in Studio has its own distinct security privilege associated with it so that it can be easily be enabled or disabled.
Initial Setup
- Initial SQL setup script - Initial permission setup for the basic Studio screens can be achieved by running a SQL script provided by Coolearth. This script will grant whoever is to be the 'User Administrator' access to the following screens: Setup Warehouse Security Permissions, User Configuration Tool and User Security Templates|Studio:Setup Warehouse Security Permissions|Setup Warehouse Security Permissions, User Configuration Tool and User Security Templates. With access to these screens, the 'Super User' can grant other users(including themselves) additional privileges as they see fit.
- Setup Warehouse Security Permissions|Studio:Setup Warehouse Security Permissions|Setup Warehouse Security Permissions - This screen sets up additional permissions to be used and assigned within a warehouse. Once privilege has been enabled in a warehouse using this screen, you can then use that permission inside the other security screens.
- User Security Templates - Next, create templates for Studio to assign to your users. The User Security Templates|Studio:User Security Templates|User Security Templates - Next, create templates for Studio to assign to your users. The User Security Templates screen has a button for both easily creating a default Studio user template and a default Studio admin template. Template creation is done by a per warehouse basis, meaning that if you create a template in warehouse X you must first copy it to warehouse Y (easily done through the use of the tool) before it is available for use in warehouse Y. To change your current company / warehouse, click the 'Current User Context' tab found along the top left corner of the window and use the drop downs to select the desired user context.
- Assign Security Templates to Users - Now that the templates are have been created, launch the User Configuration Tool|Studio:User Configuration Tool|User Configuration Tool screen. From there you can easily search for users and assign templates you have created in the current warehouse. Once a template has been assigned, that user can install and use studio with the assigned privileges within that warehouse.