GX:Page 3 Settings
From coolearthwiki
Revision as of 17:54, 2 June 2006 by (Talk)
- Adaptive Binfield checkdigit - checkbox
- With this option turned on, Whistle will print half of a bin label with a check-digit, half without.
- Case Pick - checkbox
- With this option turned on, Whistle will turn on the case picking functionality.
- Days To Keep Log - inputfield
- This setting is used to specify the length of days to keep log file entries before being trimmed.
- Prefer Put Empty Single - checkbox
- With this option turned on, Whistle’s picking logic will prefer an empty bin over an otherwise optimal location.
- Ignore pallet qty on putaway - checkbox
- With this option turned on, Whistle’s putaway logic will not prefer to put away a partial pallet (non-full pallet) in a bin that normally only holds a single pallet.
- Intra-container print delay - inputfield
- This setting holds the value in milliseconds to delay a print action based on some printer’s individual needs.
- Allow decimal qty for all uoms - checkbox
- With this option turned on, Whistle will allow decimal quantities to be used for all UOM conversions.
- Auto save screens for user - checkbox
- With this option turned on, Whistle will auto-save screen data for each user.
- Auto span SO lines for identical items - checkbox
- With this setting turned on, Whistle will split the loaded quantity between two same product sales order lines. Otherwise, all quantity will go to the first order line for the product.
- Settings Password - inputfield
- This setting is used to specify the password for all settings windows.