GX:Appendix C Whistle Database Tables

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Whistle Database Tables

The Whistle application uses a number of database tables to store and organize warehouse information. Whistle updates most tables automatically. Other tables, such as the ‘user’ tables, are updated manually through the use of data maintenance frames (see chapter on Data Maintenance Frames). This is a comprehensive listing of all Whistle – specific database tables and their corresponding parameters.

The following is a list of all Whistle database tables. Each table is described in detail in later in this appendix.

Whistle Tables Common Keys and DataTypes Data Types
  • wmCountDetail
  • wmCountMaster
  • wmCountZones
  • wmCountedBins
  • wmCustomer
  • wmDemand
  • wmItemInstruct
  • wmLabelCrossRef
  • wmLabelElements
  • wmPickAllocation
  • wmPrintJobs
  • wmRuleContext
  • wmRuleContextLine
  • wmRuleMaster
  • wmScaleDefinition
  • wmTaskMaster
  • wmTestHistory
  • wmUomConv
  • wmUserPrefs
  • wmUserTask
  • wmWave
  • wms_autohd_tbl
  • wms_bin_tbl
  • wms_bincnt_tbl
  • wms_bindtlst_tbl
  • wms_case_tbl
  • wms_contadj_tbl
  • wms_contcase_tbl
  • wms_contdtl_tbl
  • wms_context_tbl
  • wms_conthdr_tbl
  • wms_contst_tbl
  • wms_contty_tbl
  • wms_contxf_tbl
  • wms_counter_tbl
  • wms_ctwght_tbl
  • wms_custpull_tbl
  • wms_cycnt_tbl
  • wms_erpint_tbl
  • wms_except_tbl
  • wms_group_tbl
  • wms_kit_tbl
  • wms_lhold_tbl
  • wms_load_tbl
  • wms_loadnm_tbl
  • wms_lothist_tbl
  • wms_outint_tbl
  • wms_piint_tbl
  • wms_pmint_tbl
  • wms_pmintdtl_tbl
  • wms_point_tbl
  • wms_print_tbl
  • wms_pultol_tbl
  • wms_recper_tbl
  • wms_screen_tbl
  • wms_sectmpl_tbl
  • wms_secure_tbl
  • wms_shipins_tbl
  • wms_track_tbl
  • wms_user_tbl
  • wms_usercols_tbl
  • wms_utcount_tbl
  • wms_vndpull_tbl
  • wms_wtint_tbl
  • wms_zone_tbl
  • Bin Key varchar(15)
  • Branch Key varchar(4)
  • Company Key varchar(2)
  • Container Detail Key int
  • Container Header Key varchar(10)
  • Count Key int
  • Item Key varchar(30)
  • Location Key varchar(10)
  • Lot Key varchar(25)
  • Order Key varchar(10)
  • Pack Key varchar(10)
  • Tracking Key varchar(10)
  • User Key varchar(30)
  • Warehouse Key varchar(4)
  • Zone Key varchar(10)
  • datetime
  • decimal(18,4)
  • float
  • int
  • int (IDENTITY)
  • smallint
  • text
  • varchar(1)
  • varchar(10)
  • varchar(100)
  • varchar(128)
  • varchar(13)
  • varchar(15)
  • varchar(2)
  • varchar(20)
  • varchar(25)
  • varchar(255)
  • varchar(256)
  • varchar(45)
  • varchar(5)
  • varchar(30)
  • varchar(4)
  • varchar(40)
  • varchar(50)
  • varchar(6)
  • varchar(60)
  • varchar(64)
  • varchar(7)
  • varchar(8)

Whistle Tables and Definitions


  • company varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • warehouse varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • countKey int NOTNULL Count Key
  • containerHeader varchar(10) NOTNULL Container Header Key
  • containerDetail int NOTNULL Container Detail Key
  • bin varchar(10) NOTNULL Bin Key
  • item varchar(10) NOTNULL Item Key
  • pack varchar(10) NOTNULL Pack Key
  • lot varchar(10) NOTNULL Lot Key
  • originalQty decimal(18,4) NOTNULL Original Quantity Value
  • countedQty decimal(18,4) NOTNULL Counted Quantity Value
  • countedCost decimal(18,4) NOTNULL Counted Cost Value
  • variance decimal(18,4) NOTNULL Variance Value
  • varianceCost decimal(18,4) NOTNULL Variance Cost Value
  • countedBy varchar(10) NOTNULL User Key
  • countedOn datetime NOTNULL Counted On Date/Time Value
  • updateCounter int NOTNULL Update Counter Key


  • company varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • warehouse varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • countKey int NOTNULL Count Key
  • countStatus varchar(10) NOTNULL Count Status Key
  • createdBy varchar(10) NOTNULL User Key
  • createdOn datetime NOTNULL Counted On Date/Time Value
  • completedBy varchar(10) NULL User Key
  • completedOn datetime NULL Completed On Date/Time Value
  • countedCost decimal(18,4) NULL Counted Cost Value
  • netVarianceCost decimal(18,4) NULL Net Variance Cost
  • numCounts int NULL Number of Counts Value
  • numErrors int NULL Number of Errors Value


  • company varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • warehouse varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • countZone varchar(10) NOTNULL Count Zone Key
  • bin varchar(10) NOTNULL Bin Key


  • company varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • warehouse varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • countKey int NOTNULL Count Key
  • bin varchar(10) NOTNULL Bin Key
  • errors int NOTNULL Errors Key
  • countedBy varchar(10) NOTNULL User Key
  • countedOn datetime NOTNULL Counted On Date/Time Value
  • updateCounter int NOTNULL Update Counter Key


  • company varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • warehouse varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • customerKey varchar(10) NOTNULL Customer Key
  • showCustPartNumber int NOTNULL Show Customer Part Number Key


  • company varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • warehouse varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • orderKey varchar(10) NOTNULL Order Key
  • orderType int NOTNULL Order Type Key
  • demandLine int NOTNULL Demand Line Key
  • status varchar(50) NOTNULL Status Key
  • item varchar(20) NOTNULL Item Key
  • pack varchar(8) NULL Pack Key
  • lot varchar(20) NULL Lot Key
  • demandQty decimal(18,4) NOTNULL Demand Quantity Value
  • pickedQty decimal(18,4) NOTNULL Picked Quantity Value
  • uom varchar(2) NOTNULL UOM Value
  • createTime datetime NOTNULL Created Date/Time Value
  • activeUser varchar(10) NOTNULL User Key
  • lockCounter int NOTNULL Lock Counter Key
  • minShelfLife int NOTNULL Minimum Shelf Life Key


  • company varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • warehouse varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • item varchar(20) NOTNULL Item Key
  • pack varchar(8) NOTNULL Pack Key
  • context int NOTNULL Context Key
  • instruction varchar(255) NOTNULL Instruction Text Value


  • company varchar(2) NOTNULL Company key
  • branch varchar(4) NOTNULL Branch Key
  • deliverFrom varchar(10) NOTNULL Deliver From Key
  • labelKey int NOTNULL Label Key


  • labelKey int NOTNULL Label Key
  • elementKey int NOTNULL Element Key
  • dataType int NOTNULL Data Type Value
  • elementDescription varchar(10) NULL Element Description Value
  • position int NOTNULL Position Value
  • width int NOTNULL Width Value
  • uom varchar(2) NULL UOM Value
  • decimalPosition int NOTNULL Decimal Position Key
  • mapsTo varchar(20) NULL Maps To Key
  • required int NOTNULL Required Key
  • lastModifiedBy varchar(10) NOTNULL User Key
  • lastModifiedOn datetime NULL Last Modified Date/Time Value


  • pickAllocKey int NOTNULL Pick Allocation Key===
  • companyKey varchar(10) NOTNULL Company Key
  • warehouseKey varchar(10) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • orderType smallint NOTNULL Order Type Key
  • orderKey varchar(30) NOTNULL Order Key
  • orderLineKey int NOTNULL Order Line Key
  • containerKey varchar(10) NOTNULL Container Key
  • itemKey varchar(20) NOTNULL Item Key
  • packKey varchar(10) NOTNULL Pack Key
  • allocLotKey varchar(30) NOTNULL Allocation Lot Key
  • allocQuantity float NOTNULL Allocation Quantity Value
  • allocUOM varchar(2) NOTNULL Allocation UOM Value
  • status smallint NOTNULL Status Key
  • lastChangedBy varchar(30) NOTNULL User Key
  • lastChangeDate datetime NOTNULL Changed on Date/Time Value
  • createdBy varchar(30) NOTNULL User Key
  • creationDate datetime NOTNULL Created On Date Value
  • lockCounter int NOTNULL Lock Counter Value


  • company varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • warehouse varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • track varchar(10) NOTNULL Tracking Key
  • numLabels int NOTNULL Number of labels Value
  • printDoc varchar(255) NULL Print Document Value
  • printer varchar(255) NULL Printer Value
  • prePrint int NOTNULL Pre print Value
  • printSequence1 varchar(10) NULL Print Sequence 1 Value
  • printSequence2 varchar(10) NULL Print Sequence 2 Value
  • printSequence3 varchar(10) NULL Print Sequence 3 Value


  • ruleContextKey int NOTNULL Rule Context key===
  • companyKey varchar(10) NOTNULL Company Key
  • warehouseKey varchar(10) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • contextName varchar(60) NOTNULL Context Name Value
  • contextType smallint NOTNULL Context Type Value
  • binKey varchar(10) NOTNULL Bin Key
  • lastChangedBy varchar(30) NOTNULL User Key
  • lastChangeDate datetime NOTNULL Changed on Date/Time Value
  • createdBy varchar(30) NOTNULL User Key
  • creationDate datetime NOTNULL Created on Date/Time Value
  • lockCounter int NOTNULL Lock Counter


  • ruleContextLineKey int NOTNULL Rule Context Line Key
  • ruleContextKey int NOTNULL Rule Context Key
  • rulePriority smallint NOTNULL Rule Priority Value
  • ruleMasterKey int NOTNULL Rule Master Key
  • sortOrder smallint NULL Sort Order Value
  • lastChangedBy varchar(30) NOTNULL User Key
  • lastChangeDate datetime NOTNULL Changed on Date
  • createdBy varchar(30) NOTNULL User Key
  • creationDate datetime NOTNULL Created on Date
  • lockCounter int NOTNULL Lock Counter Value


  • ruleMasterKey int NOTNULL Rule Master Key
  • ruleName varchar(60) NOTNULL Rule Name Value
  • ruleTable varchar(30) NULL Rule Table Value
  • ruleColumn varchar(30) NULL Rule Column Value
  • ruleIdentifier varchar(30) NULL Rule ID Value
  • lastChangedBy varchar(30) NOTNULL User Key
  • lastChangeDate datetime NOTNULL Changed on Date Value
  • createdBy varchar(30) NOTNULL User Key
  • creationDate datetime NOTNULL Created on Date Value
  • lockCounter int NOTNULL Lock Counter Value


  • company varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • warehouse varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • scaleKey varchar(60) NOTNULL Scale Key
  • scaleDescription varchar(128) NULL Scale Description Value
  • scaleAddress varchar(128) NOTNULL Scale Address Value


  • taskMasterKey int NOTNULL Task Master Key
  • taskType varchar(20) NOTNULL Task Type Value
  • taskName varchar(30) NOTNULL Task Name Value
  • refLabel1 varchar(30) NULL Reference Label 1
  • refLabel2 varchar(30) NULL Reference Label 2
  • refLabel3 varchar(30) NULL Reference Label 3
  • lastChangedBy varchar(30) NOTNULL User Key
  • lastChangeDate datetime NOTNULL Changed On Date/Time Value
  • createdBy varchar(30) NOTNULL User Key
  • creationDate datetime NOTNULL Created On Date/Time Value
  • lockCounter int NOTNULL Lock Counter Value


  • testKey varchar(10) NOTNULL Test Key
  • effectiveDate datetime NOTNULL Effective Date/Time Value
  • sequence int NOTNULL Sequence Value
  • item varchar(20) NOTNULL Item Key
  • pack varchar(10) NOTNULL Pack Key
  • lot varchar(30) NOTNULL Lot Key
  • sampleID varchar(20) NOTNULL Sample ID Value
  • status varchar(20) NOTNULL Status Value
  • result varchar(60) NOTNULL Result Value
  • measured decimal(18,4) NULL Measured value
  • measuredUOM varchar(2) NULL Unit Of Measure Value
  • comments varchar(255) NULL Comment Value
  • transactionTime datetime NOTNULL Transaction Date/Time Value
  • tranactionUser varchar(10) NULL User Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • in_item_key varchar(20) NOTNULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(6) NOTNULL Pack Key
  • uom_from varchar(10) NOTNULL UOM From Key
  • uom_to varchar(10) NOTNULL UOM To Key
  • factor float NOTNULL Factor Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • user_key varchar(8) NOTNULL User Key
  • pref_name varchar(64) NOTNULL Preference Name Value
  • pref_value varchar(256) NULL Preference Value
  • created_by varchar(8) NOTNULL User Key
  • created_on datetime NOTNULL Created on Date/Time Value
  • changed_by varchar(8) NOTNULL User Key
  • changed_on datetime NOTNULL Changed On Date/Time Value
  • lock_counter int NOTNULL Lock Counter Value


  • userTaskKey int NOTNULL User Task Key
  • userKey varchar(8) NOTNULL User Key===
  • companyKey varchar(10) NOTNULL Company Key
  • warehouseKey varchar(10) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • taskMasterKey int NOTNULL Task Master Key
  • taskNote varchar(255) NOTNULL Task Note Value
  • expectedStart datetime NULL Expected Start Date/Time Value
  • expectedFinish datetime NULL Expected End Date/Time Value
  • actualStart datetime NULL Actual Start Date/Time Value
  • actualFinish datetime NULL Actual End Date/Time Value
  • priority smallint NOTNULL Priority Value
  • status smallint NOTNULL Status Value
  • refValue1 varchar(30) NULL Reference Value 1
  • refValue2 varchar(30) NULL Reference Value 2
  • refValue3 varchar(30) NULL Reference Value 3
  • assignedBy varchar(10) NOTNULL User Key
  • lastChangedBy varchar(30) NOTNULL User Key
  • lastChangeDate datetime NOTNULL Changed on Date/Time Value
  • createdBy varchar(30) NOTNULL User Key
  • creationDate datetime NOTNULL Created on Date/Time Value
  • lockCounter int NOTNULL Lock Counter Value


  • company varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • warehouse varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • waveKey varchar(10) NOTNULL Wave Key
  • createdOn datetime NULL Created on Date/Time Value
  • createdBy varchar(10) NOTNULL User Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • in_item_key varchar(30) NOTNULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(6) NOTNULL Pack Key
  • wms_autohd_hrs int NULL Autohold Length Hours Value
  • context varchar(10) NOTNULL Context Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • in_locn_key varchar(10) NULL Location Key
  • wms_bin_key varchar(15) NOTNULL Bin Key
  • wms_bin_depth float NULL Bin Depth Value
  • wms_bin_height float NULL Bin Height Value
  • wms_bin_width float NULL Bin Width Value
  • wms_bin_type varchar(10) NULL Bin Type Value
  • wms_bin_row int NULL Bin row # (x) Value
  • wms_bin_col int NULL Bin column # (y) Value
  • wms_bin_cychd int NOTNULL Bin Cycle Lock Value
  • wms_bin_hold int NOTNULL Bin On Hold Value
  • wms_bin_tbl_key int (IDENTITY) NOTNULL Bin Table Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NULL Warehouse Key
  • in_cycnt_key int NULL Cycle count key
  • wms_bin_key varchar(15) NULL Bin Key
  • wms_bincnt_stat int NULL Bin count status Value
  • sa_user_key varchar(8) NULL User Key
  • wms_bincnt_crtdt datetime NULL Counted on Date/Time Value
  • in_locn_key varchar(10) NULL Location Key
  • in_item_key varchar(10) NULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(10) NULL Pack Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_bin_key varchar(13) NOTNULL Bin Key
  • wms_zone_key varchar(10) NULL Zone Key
  • wms_conthdr_key varchar(10) NOTNULL Tracking Key
  • wms_bin_depth float NULL Bin Depth Value
  • wms_bin_height float NULL Bin Height Value
  • wms_bin_width float NULL Bin Width Value
  • wms_bin_vol float NULL Bin Volume Value
  • wms_binst_rem float NULL Volume Remaining Value
  • wms_binst_pc int NULL Number Of Pallets Value
  • in_item_key varchar(30) NOTNULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(6) NOTNULL Pack Key
  • in_lot_key varchar(25) NOTNULL Lot Key
  • wms_contdtl_puldt datetime NOTNULL Pull Date/Time Value
  • wms_contdtl_alloc varchar(10) NULL Pallet Allocation Value
  • wms_contst_key varchar(10) NULL Tracking Key
  • wms_conthdr_lstmv datetime NULL Last Moved Date/Time Value
  • wms_contdtl_qty float NULL Detail Quantity
  • wms_bin_type varchar(10) NULL Bin Type
  • wms_contdtl_key int NOTNULL Container Detail Key
  • wms_count_key int NULL Count Key
  • wms_count_qty float NULL Cycle Count Quantity Value
  • wms_count_var float NULL Cycle Count Variance Value
  • wms_bindtlst_tbl_key int (IDENTITY) NOTNULL Bin Detail List Table Key
  • lastCount datetime NOTNULL Counted On Date/Time Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_case_num int NOTNULL Case Number Value
  • created_on datetime NOTNULL Created on Date
  • changed_on datetime NOTNULL Changed on Date
  • created_by varchar(8) NOTNULL User Key
  • changed_by varchar(8) NOTNULL User Key
  • lock_count int NOTNULL Lock Counter Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_conthdr_key varchar(10) NULL Tracking Key
  • in_item_key varchar(30) NULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(6) NULL Pack Key
  • wms_contadj_qty float NULL Adjusted Quantity Value
  • en_resn_key varchar(10) NULL Reason For Adjustment Value
  • sa_user_key varchar(10) NULL User Key
  • wms_contadj_date datetime NULL Transaction Date/Time Value
  • wms_contadj_cmt varchar(255) NULL Container Adj Comment Value
  • wms_contdtl_key int NOTNULL Container Detail Key
  • wms_contcase_key varchar(60) NULL Container Case Key
  • wms_contadj_cntrl varchar(60) NULL Container Adj Control Num Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_conthdr_key varchar(10) NULL Tracking Key
  • wms_contdtl_key int NULL Tracking Detail Key
  • wms_contcase_key varchar(60) NOTNULL Tracking Case Key
  • wms_contcase_ctwgt float NULL Tracking Catch Weight Value
  • in_sublot_key int NULL Adage SubLot Key
  • wms_contcase_prddt datetime NOTNULL Case Production Date Value
  • created_on datetime NOTNULL Created On Date Value
  • changed_on datetime NOTNULL Changed On Date Value
  • created_by varchar(8) NOTNULL User Key
  • changed_by varchar(8) NOTNULL User Key
  • lock_count int NOTNULL Lock Count Value
  • wms_contcase_stat int NOTNULL Container Status Value
  • wms_contcase_acwgt float NOTNULL Container Actual Weight Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_conthdr_key varchar(10) NOTNULL Tracking Key
  • in_item_key varchar(30) NULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(6) NULL Pack Key
  • so_prod_key varchar(20) NULL Product # (UPC code)
  • in_desc varchar(60) NULL Item Description Value
  • wms_contdtl_prddt datetime NULL Production Date/Time Value
  • wms_contdtl_puldt datetime NOTNULL Pull Date Value
  • wms_contst_key varchar(10) NULL Container Status Key
  • wms_contdtl_qty float NULL Item Quantity Value
  • wms_contdtl_uom varchar(6) NULL Unit Of Measure Value
  • in_lot_key varchar(25) NOTNULL Lot Key
  • wms_contdtl_alloc varchar(10) NULL Pallet Allocated Value
  • wms_contdtl_vol float NULL Item Volume Value
  • wms_contdtl_key int NOTNULL Container Detail Key
  • wms_contdtl_ctwgt float NULL Container Detail Catch Weight
  • wms_user_paramVC1 varchar(255) NULL User defined Parameter #1
  • wms_user_paramVC2 varchar(255) NULL User defined Parameter #2
  • wms_user_paramVC3 varchar(255) NULL User defined Parameter #3
  • wms_user_paramVC4 varchar(255) NULL User defined Parameter #4
  • wms_user_paramVC5 varchar(255) NULL User defined Parameter #5
  • wms_user_paramVC6 varchar(255) NULL User defined Parameter #6
  • wms_user_paramVC7 varchar(255) NULL User defined Parameter #7
  • wms_user_paramVC8 varchar(255) NULL User defined Parameter #8
  • wms_user_paramVC9 varchar(255) NULL User defined Parameter #9
  • wms_user_paramVC10 varchar(255) NULL User defined Parameter #10
  • wms_user_paramF1 float NULL User defined Parameter F1
  • wms_user_paramF2 float NULL User defined Parameter F2
  • wms_user_paramF3 float NULL User defined Parameter F3
  • wms_user_paramF4 float NULL User defined Parameter F4
  • wms_user_paramF5 float NULL User defined Parameter F5
  • wms_contdtl_crtdt datetime NULL Creation Date/Time Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_conthdr_key varchar(10) NOTNULL Tracking Key
  • wms_context_variety varchar(10) NULL Context Variety Value
  • wms_context_linemtch varchar(10) NULL Context Line Match Value
  • wms_context_idfield varchar(4) NULL Context ID Field Value
  • created_on datetime NOTNULL Created on Date/Time Value
  • changed_on datetime NOTNULL Changed on Date/Time Value
  • created_by varchar(8) NOTNULL User Key
  • changed_by varchar(8) NOTNULL User Key
  • lock_count int NOTNULL Lock Count Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_conthdr_key varchar(10) NOTNULL Tracking Key
  • wms_contst_key varchar(10) NULL Container Status Value
  • in_locn_key varchar(10) NULL Location Key
  • wms_bin_key varchar(15) NULL Bin Key
  • wms_conthdr_lstmv datetime NULL Last Moved Date/Time Value
  • wms_contty_key varchar(10) NULL Container Type
  • wms_conthdr_lstdt datetime NULL Container Last Changed Date Value
  • sa_user_key varchar(8) NULL User Key
  • wms_contst_reldt datetime NULL Release Date/Time
  • wms_group_key int NULL Group Key
  • wms_conthdr_vol float NULL Container Volume Value
  • wms_conthdr_unique int (IDENTITY) NOTNULL Container Header Unique Key
  • lockCounter int NULL Lock Counter Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_contst_key varchar(10) NOTNULL Container Status Value
  • wms_contst_desc varchar(60) NULL Container Description Value
  • wms_contst_type varchar(10) NULL Container Type Value
  • wms_contst_reldt varchar(8) NULL Container Release Date Value
  • wms_contst_relby varchar(8) NULL Container Release By Date Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_contty_key varchar(10) NOTNULL Container Type Value
  • wms_contty_height float NULL Container Height Value
  • wms_contty_depth float NULL Container Depth Value
  • wms_contty_width float NULL Container Width Value
  • wms_contty_lay int NULL Number Of Layers Value
  • wms_contty_case int NULL Number Of Cases Value
  • wms_contty_uom varchar(6) NULL Unit Of Measure Value
  • wms_contty_dftrtype varchar(50) NULL Type Of Transaction Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_contty_key varchar(10) NOTNULL Container Type Value
  • in_item_key varchar(30) NOTNULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(6) NOTNULL Pack Key
  • wms_desc varchar(60) NULL Item Description Value
  • so_prod_key varchar(20) NULL Adage Sales Order Production K
  • wms_active_qty float NULL Container Active Quantity
  • wms_hold_qty float NULL Container Hold Quantity
  • wms_contxf_key int (IDENTITY) NOTNULL Container Cross Reference Key
  • toleranceOver float NOTNULL Tolerance Over Value
  • wms_contxf_pseq int NOTNULL Container Cross Reference Seq Key


  • wms_counter_type smallint NOTNULL Counter Name Value
  • wms_counter_idx int NOTNULL Current Counter Number Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • in_item_key varchar(20) NOTNULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(6) NOTNULL Pack Key
  • wms_ctwght_minwgt float NOTNULL Catch Weight Minimum Tolerance
  • wms_ctwght_maxwgt float NOTNULL Catch Weight Maximum Tolerance
  • wms_ctwght_tare float NOTNULL Catch Weight Tare Weight Value
  • wms_ctwght_scc varchar(40) NULL Catch Weight SCC Value
  • upc_key varchar(60) NOTNULL UPC Key
  • ucc128_item varchar(6) NOTNULL UCC 128 Item
  • created_on datetime NOTNULL Created on Date/Time Value
  • changed_on datetime NOTNULL Changed on Date/Time Value
  • created_by varchar(8) NOTNULL User Key
  • changed_by varchar(8) NOTNULL User Key
  • lock_count int NOTNULL Lock Count Value
  • wms_ctwght_netwt float NOTNULL Catch weight Net Weight Value
  • wms_ctwght_backdt int NULL Catch Weight Back Date
  • wms_ctwght_sell int NOTNULL Catch Weight Sell Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • ap_cust_key varchar(10) NOTNULL Customer Key
  • wms_custpull_puldt int NULL Customer Pull Date Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_conthdr_key varchar(10) NULL Tracking Key
  • in_cycnt_key varchar(10) NULL Cycle Count Key
  • wms_cycnt_entlv varchar(10) NULL Cycle Count Entity Level Key
  • wms_cycnt_ent varchar(20) NULL Cycle Count Entity Key
  • wms_cycnt_stat varchar(10) NULL Cycle Count Status Value
  • wms_cycnt_ent2 varchar(20) NULL Cycle Count Entity 2 Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_erpint_type varchar(30) NOTNULL ERP Interface Type Value
  • wms_erpint_start datetime NOTNULL ERP Interface Start Value
  • wms_erpint_pid int NOTNULL ERP Interface Part ID Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_tran_key varchar(10) NULL Transaction Key
  • wms_conthdr_key varchar(10) NULL Tracking Key
  • wms_except_sbin varchar(15) NULL Bin Key
  • wms_except_ubin varchar(15) NULL Bin Key
  • wms_except_sqty float NULL System Expected Quantity Value
  • wms_except_uqty float NULL User Entered Quantity Value
  • wms_except_note varchar(255) NULL Exception Explanation Value
  • sa_user_key varchar(8) NULL User Key
  • wms_except_crtdt datetime NULL Exception Creation Date/Time


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_group_key int NOTNULL Group Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_kititem_key varchar(20) NOTNULL Kit Item Key
  • wms_kitpack_key varchar(6) NOTNULL Kit Pack Key
  • in_item_key varchar(20) NOTNULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(6) NOTNULL Pack Key
  • wms_kit_qty float NOTNULL Kit Quantity Value
  • wms_kit_uom varchar(2) NOTNULL Kit UOM Value
  • created_by varchar(8) NOTNULL Created by Date/Time Value
  • created_on datetime NOTNULL Created on Date/Time Value
  • changed_by varchar(8) NOTNULL User Key
  • changed_on datetime NOTNULL Changed on Date/Time Value
  • lock_count int NOTNULL Lock Counter Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NULL Warehouse Key
  • sa_user_key varchar(8) NULL User Key
  • wms_lhold_lot varchar(25) NULL Lot Hold Lot Value
  • wms_lhold_bgdt datetime NULL Beginning Hold Date/Time Value
  • wms_lhold_eddt datetime NULL Ending Hold Date/Time Value
  • wms_lhold_cmt varchar(255) NULL Comment Value
  • wms_lhold_trdt datetime NULL Date Lot Placed On Hold Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • so_brnch_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Branch Key
  • so_hdr_key varchar(10) NOTNULL Tracking Key
  • wms_load_bol varchar(25) NOTNULL Load BOL Value
  • wms_load_trailer varchar(25) NULL Load Trailer Value
  • wms_load_seal varchar(45) NULL Load Seal Value
  • wms_load_chep int NULL Load Chep Value
  • wms_load_shpdt datetime NULL Load Ship Date/Time Value
  • in_towhs_key varchar(4) NULL To WHS Key
  • carrier varchar(10) NULL Carrier Value
  • prePaidFreight float NULL Pre Paid Freight Value
  • status varchar(10) NULL Status Value
  • loadKey varchar(10) NULL Load Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • so_brnch_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Branch Key
  • so_hdr_key varchar(10) NOTNULL Tracking Key
  • wms_loadnm_key int NULL Load Name Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_conthdr_key varchar(10) NULL Tracking Key
  • wms_tran_type varchar(15) NULL Transaction Type Key
  • wms_tran_key varchar(20) NULL Transaction Key
  • in_lot_key varchar(25) NULL Lot Key
  • sa_user_key varchar(8) NULL User Key
  • wms_lothist_crtdt datetime NULL Date of transaction Value
  • wms_lothist_qty float NULL Lot History Quantity Value
  • wms_lothist_uom varchar(2) NULL Unit Of Measure Value
  • wms_contdtl_key int NOTNULL Container detail Key
  • comment_key varchar(255) NULL Comment Value
  • wms_lothist_key int (IDENTITY) NOTNULL Lot History Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • so_brnch_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Branch key
  • so_hdr_key varchar(10) NOTNULL Order Key
  • so_prod_key varchar(30) NULL Product Key
  • wms_conthdr_key varchar(10) NULL Tracking Key
  • wms_outint_qty float NULL Quantity Value
  • wms_outint_uom varchar(2) NULL Unit of Measure Value
  • in_lot_key varchar(25) NULL Lot Key
  • wms_outint_error varchar(255) NULL Status Value
  • sa_user_key varchar(8) NULL User Key
  • wms_outint_crtdt datetime NULL Date/Time Stamp Value
  • wms_outint_type int NOTNULL Type of Transaction Value
  • wms_outdtl_key int NULL Out-Int Detail Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NULL Warehouse Key
  • in_towhs_key varchar(4) NULL To WHS Key
  • wms_contdtl_key smallint NULL Container Detail Key
  • wms_whistle_recdt datetime NULL Whistle Receive Date/Time
  • in_item_key varchar(20) NULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(6) NULL Pack Key
  • wms_outint_control varchar(60) NULL Outint Control Key
  • wms_outint_unique int (IDENTITY) NOTNULL Outint Unique Key


  • wms_piint_error varchar(255) NULL Message Value===
  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NULL Company Key
  • sf_plant_key varchar(10) NULL Plant Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NULL Warehouse Key
  • in_locn_key varchar(10) NULL Location Key
  • pm_shop_key varchar(10) NULL Production Order Key
  • pm_shop_ordtp varchar(1) NULL Order Type Value
  • sf_opseq_key int NULL Routing sequence
  • wms_piint_bqty float NULL Batch Quantity Value
  • wms_piint_sqty float NULL Scrapped Quantity Value
  • wms_piint_uom varchar(2) NULL Unit of Measure
  • sa_user_key varchar(8) NULL User Key
  • wms_piint_crdt datetime NULL Prod Issue Create Date Value
  • in_item_key varchar(20) NULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(6) NULL Pack Key
  • wms_conthdr_key varchar(10) NULL Tracking Key
  • in_lot_key varchar(25) NULL Lot Key
  • wms_contdtl_puldt datetime NULL Container Pull Date/Time
  • wms_piint_unique int (IDENTITY) NOTNULL Production Issue Unique Key
  • wms_piint_control varchar(60) NULL Production Issue Control Key
  • tranKey int NOTNULL Transaction Key
  • wms_contdtl_key int NOTNULL Container Detail Key
  • pm_matl_key int NOTNULL PM Material Key
  • originTrack varchar(10) NULL Original Tracking Key


  • wms_pmint_error varchar(255) NULL Message Value===
  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NULL Company Key
  • sf_plant_key varchar(10) NULL Plant Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NULL Warehouse Key
  • pm_shop_key varchar(10) NULL Order Key
  • pm_shop_ordtp varchar(1) NULL Shop Order Type Key
  • wms_pmint_bqty float NULL PM Batch Quantity Value
  • wms_pmint_sqty float NULL PM Scrapped Quantity Value
  • wms_pmint_uom varchar(2) NULL Unit of Measure Value
  • sa_user_key varchar(8) NULL User Key
  • wms_pmint_crdt datetime NULL PM Transaction Date/Time
  • in_item_key varchar(20) NULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(6) NULL Pack Key
  • wms_conthdr_key varchar(10) NOTNULL Container Header Key
  • wms_contdtl_key int NOTNULL Container Detail Key
  • in_lot_key varchar(25) NULL In Lot Key
  • wms_pmint_unique int (IDENTITY) NOTNULL PM Unique Key
  • wms_pmint_control varchar(50) NULL PM Control Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(2) NULL Company Key
  • sf_plant_key varchar(4) NULL Plant Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NULL Warehouse Key
  • pm_shop_key varchar(10) NULL Order Key
  • wms_conthdr_key varchar(10) NULL Tracking Key
  • wms_contdtl_key int NULL Container Detail Key
  • wms_contcase_key varchar(60) NULL Containe Case Key
  • in_sublot_key int NULL Sub Lot Key
  • wms_contcase_ctwgt float NULL Case Catchweight Value
  • wms_contcase_acwgt float NULL Case Actual Weight Value
  • wms_contcase_prddt datetime NULL Case Production Date/Time


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NULL Company Key
  • so_brnch_key varchar(4) NULL Branch Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_conthdr_key varchar(10) NULL Tracking Key
  • wms_contdtl_puldt datetime NULL Pull date
  • po_hdr_key varchar(10) NULL Order Key
  • in_item_key varchar(30) NULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(6) NULL Pack Key
  • wms_point_qty float NULL Quantity Received Value
  • wms_point_uom varchar(6) NULL Unit Of Measure Value
  • in_lot_key varchar(25) NULL Lot Key
  • wms_point_bol varchar(20) NULL Bill of Lading Value
  • wms_point_error varchar(255) NULL Message Value
  • sa_user_key varchar(8) NULL User Key
  • wms_point_crtdt datetime NULL Transaction Date/Time Value
  • po_dtl_key smallint NULL Production Order Detail Key
  • in_locn_key varchar(10) NULL Location Key
  • wms_contdtl_key int NOTNULL Container Detail Key
  • wms_point_control varchar(60) NULL Point Control
  • wms_point_tbl_key int (IDENTITY) NOTNULL Point Table Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_print_key varchar(100) NOTNULL Printer Name Value
  • wms_print_desc varchar(100) NULL Printer Description Value
  • wms_print_def int NULL Printer Definition Value
  • pr_rotate_key float NOTNULL Print Rotate Value
  • wms_print_tbl_key int (IDENTITY) NOTNULL Print Table Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NULL Warehouse Key
  • in_item_key varchar(30) NULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(6) NULL Pack Key
  • wms_pultol_tol int NULL Pull Date Tolerance Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_recbgn_key datetime NULL Last ERP Reconciliation Date


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_screen_key varchar(20) NOTNULL Screen Name Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_sectmpl_key varchar(20) NOTNULL Security Template Name Key
  • wms_screen_key varchar(20) NOTNULL Screen Name Key
  • wms_secure_mode int NULL Security Mode Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NULL Warehouse Key
  • sa_user_key varchar(8) NULL User Key
  • wms_screen_key varchar(20) NULL Screen Name Key
  • wms_secure_mode int NULL Security Mode Value

wms_shipins_tbl Table no longer

  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • ar_ship_key varchar(10) NOTNULL AR Ship Key
  • so_prod_key varchar(20) NOTNULL So Product Key
  • in_instr_key text NOTNULL IN Instruction Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_track_key int NOTNULL Tracking Number Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NULL Warehouse Key
  • sa_user_key varchar(8) NULL User Key
  • wms_print_key varchar(100) NULL Default Printer Value
  • wms_user_lang varchar(20) NULL User Language Key
  • wms_user_tbl_key int (IDENTITY) NOTNULL User Table Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_table_key varchar(20) NOTNULL Table Key
  • wms_col_key varchar(20) NOTNULL New Column Database Key
  • wms_col_name varchar(20) NOTNULL Column Common Name
  • wms_col_shortname varchar(5) NOTNULL Short Name Value
  • wms_col_type varchar(10) NOTNULL Column Type Value
  • wms_col_default varchar(26) NULL Column Default Value
  • wms_col_min varchar(26) NULL Column Minimum Tolerance Value
  • wms_col_max varchar(26) NULL Column Maximum Tolerance Value
  • wms_col_req smallint NULL Column Required Value
  • wms_item_type varchar(20) NULL Item Type Key
  • wms_valid_sql text NULL SQL Text Value
  • wms_ui_type smallint NOTNULL UI Parameter Type Key
  • created_on datetime NOTNULL Created On Date/Time
  • changed_on datetime NOTNULL Changed On Date/Time
  • created_by varchar(8) NOTNULL User Key
  • changed_by varchar(8) NOTNULL User Key
  • lock_count int NOTNULL Lock Counter


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(2) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • in_cycnt_key int NOTNULL Cycle Count Key
  • in_item_key varchar(20) NOTNULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(7) NOTNULL Pack Key
  • in_locn_key varchar(10) NOTNULL Location Key
  • en_lot_key varchar(25) NULL Lot Key
  • sa_user_key varchar(8) NOTNULL User Key
  • wms_utcycnt_crdt datetime NOTNULL Date/Time Stamp Value
  • wms_utcycnt_qty float NOTNULL Reported Quantity Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • en_vend_key varchar(10) NOTNULL Vendor Key
  • wms_vndpull_puldt int NULL Vendor Pull Date Value


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NULL Company Key
  • so_brnch_key varchar(4) NULL Branch Key
  • wms_conthdr_key varchar(10) NULL Tracking Key
  • wms_contdtl_puldt datetime NULL Item Pull Date
  • wt_hdr_key varchar(10) NULL Warehouse Transfer Header Key
  • in_item_key varchar(30) NULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(6) NULL Packing Key
  • wms_wtint_qty float NULL WT Quantity Value
  • wms_wtint_uom varchar(6) NULL Unit Of Measur Value
  • in_lot_key varchar(25) NULL Lot Key
  • wms_wtint_bol varchar(20) NULL WT Bill of Lading Value
  • wms_wtint_error varchar(255) NULL WT Error Message Value
  • sa_user_key varchar(8) NULL User Key
  • wms_wtint_crtdt datetime NULL WT Creation Date/Time
  • wms_wtint_frwhs varchar(4) NULL WT From Warehouse Key
  • wt_dtl_key smallint NOTNULL WT Detail Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NULL Warehouse Key
  • in_locn_key varchar(10) NULL In Location Key
  • wms_contdtl_key int NOTNULL Container Detail Key
  • wms_wtint_control varchar(60) NULL ERP Control Key
  • wms_wtint_key int (IDENTITY) NOTNULL WT Index Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_zone_key varchar(10) NOTNULL Zone Key
  • wms_bin_key varchar(15) NOTNULL Bin Key


  • gl_cmp_key varchar(3) NOTNULL Company Key
  • in_whs_key varchar(4) NOTNULL Warehouse Key
  • wms_zone_key varchar(10) NOTNULL Zone Key
  • in_item_key varchar(30) NOTNULL Item Key
  • im_pack_key varchar(6) NOTNULL Pack Key
  • wms_zone_pri int NOTNULL Zone Priority Value
  • actionType smallint NOTNULL Action Type Value