GX:New to 3.6

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Revision as of 19:57, 3 March 2005 by (Talk) (Vendor specific pallet patterns)

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Improved Sales Order Returns

Users can now create RMA's without going to the ERP. Partial pallets can be returned. Returns can also be done for catchweighted product. There is also functionality to allow returns when the origninal tracking number is no longer known.

Detection of Input Method

The system now includes logic to tell if a user has typed or scanned a tracking number. This information is recorded in the lot history. Users can be forced to scan certian critical transactions such as loading. A new security setting can be assigned to managers to allow typing in the case of damaged labels.

Consigned Inventory

It is now posible to track the owner of inventory in Whistle. Invertory owned by a 3rd party is not interfaced into the ERP system. In this way you can track the inventory in Whistle without it effecting the company financials, such as inventory valuation.

Container Update

There is now a new screen that allows users to edit production date, pull date, and user parameters. If you are not using lot tracking in the ERP system you can also update the whistle lot on this screen.

3rd Party Logistics Account Receivable

It is now posible to generate invoices for storage and handling fee's directly from the whistle system.

Load Planning and Shipping

You can now create loads made up of sales and warehouse transfer orders directly in whistle. These loads can be staged, loaded and shipped as a load. There is a new load ship window that allows for the convenient shipping of an entire load.

New Shipping Reports

There is a new load diagram report that shows pallet position and stop information on the truck. There is a new bol report.

Tracking Average Weights

In addition to net weight and catchweight, you can now track average weights at the lot level. This makes a unique cases to pounds conversion for the specific lot. This conversion is used in all transactions within the system.

Change Collection of Production or Pull Date by Item

You can now setup an item to request either its production date or pull date to be collected at time of receipt. This is useful for times when you receive a production that has an expiration date but no pull date or the other way around.

Vendor Specific Pallet Patterns

Container types can now be attached to items by vendor. This is useful if you have an item that you receive from many different vendors, with different stacking paterns.

The receiving screen now also displays the stacking patern at the bottom to help the user decide if the pallet need restacking.

Extended Lot Functionality

It is now possible to tie the production date in Whistle to the lot manufacture date in the ERP system. This can be especially useful when production spans days or if an ERP user knows the manufacure date in advance.