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Required permission: STAGE INGR
Staging is the operation where the user picks the assigned inventory for the Shipping Order and stage them in an area for the loading phase of the transaction.
Staging in accomplished by using the Whistle Dashboard to set up the Stage orders, or from inside Whistle with the appropriate settings.
Order numbers are entered into the <Order #> field and assigned inventory is picked from the embedded result field showing each pallet and item.
==[[GT:Stage Ingredients Window Settings|Stage Ingredients Window Settings]]==

Revision as of 12:29, 27 April 2006

Staging is the operation where the user picks the assigned inventory for the Shipping Order and stage them in an area for the loading phase of the transaction.

Staging in accomplished by using the Whistle Dashboard to set up the Stage orders, or from inside Whistle with the appropriate settings.

Order numbers are entered into the <Order #> field and assigned inventory is picked from the embedded result field showing each pallet and item.

Stage Ingredients Window Settings