Difference between revisions of "GX:Configuration System"

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(ATF Sweeper Setup)
(Typical Static IP Continuous Scale (Rice Lake))
(8 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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There are different kinds of scale setups for the different types and interfaces for scales.  A few different examples will be shown.
There are different kinds of scale setups for the different types and interfaces for scales.  A few different examples will be shown.
Catchweight Scale Drivers
* [[GX:Catchweight Scale WeightInMotion|Catchweight Scale WeightInMotion]]
* [[GX:Catchweight Scale RiceLakeWimIp|Catchweight Scale RiceLakeWimIp]]
====Typical Serial Weight-In-Motion configuration (with autofire on good weight)====
====Typical Serial Weight-In-Motion configuration (with autofire on good weight)====
Line 54: Line 58:
====Typical Static IP Continuous Scale (Rice Lake)====
====Typical Static IP Continuous Scale (Rice Lake)====
*    <add key="STATIC-FORBES::Scale.Driver" value="RiceLakeWimIp"/> - ''IP Ricelake Driver''
*    <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Driver" value="RiceLakeWimIp"/> - ''IP Ricelake Driver''
*    <add key="STATIC-FORBES::Scale.ComPort" value="" /> - ''IP Address and port''
*    <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.ComPort" value="" /> - ''IP Address and port''
*    <add key="STATIC-FORBES::Scale.Mode" value="Continuous"/> - ''Continuous output from scale''
*    <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Mode" value="Continuous"/> - ''Continuous output from scale''
*    <add key="STATIC-FORBES::Scale.Format" value="Simple"/> - ''Simple weight syntax''
*    <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Format" value="Simple"/> - ''Simple weight syntax''
*    <add key="STATIC-FORBES::Scale.Divisor" value="1"/> - ''Divisior''
*    <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Divisor" value="1"/> - ''Divisior''
====Static IP Probed Scale (Rice Lake)====
====Static IP Probed Scale (Rice Lake)====
Line 114: Line 118:
=== Keypad Setup Decimals===
=== Keypad Setup Decimals===
* <add key="Weight.Keypad" value="true" />
* <add key="Weight.Keypad" value="true" /> - ''Allow user to enter values into scale manually''
* <add key="Weight.Keypad.Places" value="1" />
* <add key="Weight.Keypad.Places" value="1" /> - ''Number of decimal places for manual entry''
* <add key="trackFormatter" value="[GetConfig(plantCode)][GetConfig(lineKey)][Incrementer(PALLET)/0000000]" />
* <add key="trackFormatter" value="[GetConfig(plantCode)][GetConfig(lineKey)][Incrementer(PALLET)/0000000]" /> - ''Macro to build the track/pallet number''
* <add key="lotParser.EnforceSyntax" value="true"/>
* <add key="lotParser.EnforceSyntax" value="true"/> - ''Enforce the syntax for the regular expression of the lot parser''
* <add key="lotParser.Elements" value="shift,lineCode,year1,julian,uniqifier"/>
* <add key="lotParser.Elements" value="shift,lineCode,year1,julian,uniqifier"/> - ''Elements within the lot which will be parsed out''
* <add key="lotParser.Syntax" value= "^(?&lt;shift&gt;[123]{1})(?&lt;lineCode&gt;[1-9]{1})(?&lt;year1&gt;[0-9]{1})(?&lt;julian&gt;[0-9]{3})(?&lt;uniqifier&gt;[0-9]{1})$"/>
* <add key="lotParser.Syntax" value= "^(?&lt;shift&gt;[123]{1})(?&lt;lineCode&gt;[1-9]{1})(?&lt;year1&gt;[0-9]{1})(?&lt;julian&gt;[0-9]{3})(?&lt;uniqifier&gt;[0-9]{1})$"/> - ''Regular expression which validates and parsers lots''
* <add key="lotParser.PullDate.MaxPast" value="10"/>
* <add key="lotParser.PullDate.MaxPast" value="10"/> - ''How many days can use-by/pull-date/sell-by dates be backdated''
* <add key="lotParser.PullDate.MaxFuture" value="9999"/>
* <add key="lotParser.PullDate.MaxFuture" value="9999"/> ''How many days can these be futuredated''
* <add key="lotParser.LotDate.MaxPast" value="9999"/>
* <add key="lotParser.LotDate.MaxPast" value="9999"/> - ''How many days in the past can lots be specified''
* <add key="lotParser.LotDate.MaxFuture" value="9999"/>     
* <add key="lotParser.LotDate.MaxFuture" value="9999"/>    - ''How many days in the future can they be specified.''
* <add key="Practice.ProdDate.Source" value="fromofficialdate"/>
* <add key="Practice.ProdDate.Source" value="fromofficialdate"/> - ''Prod date taken from official time.  Official time can be offset from midnight''
* <add key="lotFormatterNOT" value ="[TimeCodeMin(150,720,0,1)][GetConfig(lineKey)]@{SDY}@{0JJJ}[LotUniqifier2(123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ)]" />
* <add key="lotFormatter" value ="\S\L\Y\J\J\J\U" /> - ''Default lot''
* <add key="lotFormatter" value ="\S\L\Y\J\J\J\U" />
* <add key="lotRecomputePerPallet" value="false" /> - ''Is an automatically generated lot recomputed when a new pallet starts''
* <add key="lotRecomputePerPallet" value="false" />
* <add key="suppressTareUI" value="false" /> - ''Suppress the Tare UI''
* <add key="suppressTareUI" value="false" />
=== Case Printing Setup ===
=== Case Printing Setup ===
* <add key="labelPath" value="C:\Coolearth\ColumbusLabels"/>
* <add key="labelPath" value="C:\Coolearth\ColumbusLabels"/> - ''Where are the label files for printing in bartender''
* <add key="casePrintingEnabled" value="false" />
* <add key="casePrintingEnabled" value="false" /> - ''Case labeling defaults to off.  Turned back on for each stations's configuration''
* <add key="printRawCaseLabelMode" value="Separate"/>
* <add key="printRawCaseLabelMode" value="Separate"/> - ''In Raw Netweighting mode, are labels printable separately, or are they printed during palletization (Separate, or Pallet).
* <add key="casePrinter" value="LabelPrinter" />
* <add key="casePrinter" value="LabelPrinter" /> - ''Name of the case printer queue.''
* <add key="checkCaseWeight" value="false" />
* <add key="checkCaseWeight" value="false" /> - ''Check caseweights to see if they're in range.  Print messagebox which can be overriden''.
* <add key="enforceCaseWeight" value="false" />
* <add key="enforceCaseWeight" value="false" /> - ''Make the caseweight checking mandatory (operator cannot override).
* <add key="casePrint.VideoJet.Template" value="ColumbusStandard"/>
* <add key="casePrint.VideoJet.Template" value="ColumbusStandard"/> - ''Standard videojet template name''.
=== Pallet Printing Setup ===
=== Pallet Printing Setup ===
* <add key="palletPrintingEnabled" value="false" />
* <add key="palletPrintingEnabled" value="false" /> - ''Pallet printing disabled by default''
* <add key="palletPrinter" value="PalletPrinter" />
* <add key="palletPrinter" value="PalletPrinter" /> - ''Pallet printer queue name''
* <add key="palletPrinterCopies" value="2" />
* <add key="palletPrinterCopies" value="2" /> - ''Number of pallet label copies''
* <add key="atfCreateReportMisc" value="true"/>
* <add key="atfCreateReportMisc" value="true"/> - ''Create an Adage Miscellaneous Production transaction''
* <add key="atfCreateReportProd" value="false"/>
* <add key="atfCreateReportProd" value="false"/> - ''Create an Adage Report Production transaction''
* <add key="interfaceMapics" value="false"/>
* <add key="interfaceMapics" value="false"/> - ''Interface transaction into the mapics interface table''
=== Production Reporting Setup ===
=== Production Reporting Setup ===
* <add key="palletizeInBackground" value="true"/>
* <add key="palletizeInBackground" value="true"/> - ''Run the palletizer in the background''
* <add key="prodRep.ProdDateEditable" value="true" />
* <add key="prodRep.ProdDateEditable" value="true" /> - ''Permit the operator to modify the prod date''
* <add key="productionDayOffsetInMinutes" value="180"/>
* <add key="productionDayOffsetInMinutes" value="180"/> - ''Offset the official day from midnight by 3 hours (3am to 3am is the day)''
* <add key="prodRep.UserParam.vc6.Format" value="[ProductGTIN()]" />
* <add key="prodRep.UserParam.vc6.Format" value="[ProductGTIN()]" /> - ''User Parameter VC6 will be set to the GTIN''
* <add key="prodRep.UserParam.vc7.Format" value="[ProductionOrder()]" />
* <add key="prodRep.UserParam.vc7.Format" value="[ProductionOrder()]" /> - ''User Parameter VC7 will be set to the production order (the mapics schedule)''
* <add key="prodRep.firePalletizeOnFull" value="true" />
* <add key="prodRep.firePalletizeOnFull" value="true" /> - ''Fire the palletize button when a full pallet case count is reached''
* <add key="prodRep.lotReadOnly" value="false" />
* <add key="prodRep.lotReadOnly" value="false" /> - ''Make the lot editable''
* <add key="prodRep.autoMakeCase" value="true" />
* <add key="prodRep.reprintLabel" value="true" /> - ''Allow the label reprint''
* <add key="prodRep.reprintLabel" value="true" />
* <add key="requireUniqueLotCertification" value="false" /> - ''Enforce lot certification - only works if the automated lot has a uniqifier turned on''
* <add key="requireUniqueLotCertification" value="false" />
=== Onscreen Keyboard Setup ===
=== Onscreen Keyboard Setup ===
Enable a separate on-screen keyboard.
* <add key="osk.KeyboardPermitted" value="true"/>
* <add key="osk.KeyboardPermitted" value="true"/>
* <add key="osk.KillOnExit" value="true"/>
* <add key="osk.KillOnExit" value="true"/>
=== Administration Setup ===
=== Administration Setup ===
Setup menu entries on an administrative menu.  @@ functions are internal...  Otherwise any .bat file can be specified.  '''PasswordReq''' can be set if that entry requires the password to be set.
* <add key="allowExit" value="false" />
* <add key="allowExit" value="false" />
* <add key="adminMenu.Count" value="1" />
* <add key="adminMenu.Count" value="1" />

Latest revision as of 18:51, 26 October 2010

Database Setup

This section designates which database the system will connect to. Generally the only setting which should be changed is the defaultDatabase in the dataConfiguration section. This should be set to live or pilot. pilot will not write anything into the live system.

  • <configSections>
    • <section name="dataConfiguration" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Configuration.DatabaseSettings, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />
  • </configSections>
  • <dataConfiguration defaultDatabase="live" />
  • <connectionStrings>
    • <add name="live" connectionString="Database=;Server=;User Id=;Password=;Connect Timeout=30;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
    • <add name="pilot" connectionString="Database=;Server=;User Id=;Password=;Connect Timeout=30;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
  • </connectionStrings>

Application Settings

Line Setup

Individual Station Setup Values

  • <add key="MACHINENAME::lineKey" value="4" /> - Whistle Line Number - Not necessarily the same as the mapics line number
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::startCase" value="400000" /> - This and the next entry specify the case range for this line. These are set even for netweight (caseless) lines. After getting to the endCase value, the number will start again at the startCase value.
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::endCase" value="499999" />
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::interfaceMapicsPalletPrefix" value="90000" /> - Mapics pallet number are generated by taking the last 4 digits of the whistle pallet number and adding this value.
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::interfaceMapics" value="true"/> - Should program write records off to the mapics interface table. This is safe in pilot mode since it will write to the test version of the interface table.
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::ATFSweeper.Enabled" value="true" /> - Should program sweep it's TEE/ATF files up to the server.
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::ATFSweeper.ToPath" value="live\10\4\" /> - Subdirectory on the server to place the TEE/ATF files.

Plant/Warehouse Setup

  • <add key="MACHINENAME::establishment" value="6032" /> - Establishment code which is printed within the USDA bug on the label.
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::plantCode" value="1" /> - The Plant code (tends to be first digit of the warehouse).
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::cacheCompany" value="10" /> - Adage Company code.
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::cacheWarehouse" value="10" /> - Adage Warehouse Code.
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::cachePlant" value="10"/> - Adage Plant Code.
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::cacheBranch" value="10"/> - Adage Branch Code.
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::factoryAddress" value="Columbus Manufacturing, South San Francisco CA 94080"/> - Factory Address for case labels.
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::atfReportMiscReasonCode" value="FRBPRD{GROUPKEY}"/> - Special macro to create the Adage reason code. This has a hardcoded string which represents the warehouse and then followed by the group code from the selected item.
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::productFilter" value="" /> - List if products to filter by (A,B,C). If set, schedule will only display these products. If unset, then will display all products.
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::mapicsLines" value="PDL27" /> - List of mapics lines to filter by (A,B,C). If set, schedule will only display schedules for these lines, otherwise will display all lines.

Scale Communication Setup

There are different kinds of scale setups for the different types and interfaces for scales. A few different examples will be shown.

Catchweight Scale Drivers

Typical Serial Weight-In-Motion configuration (with autofire on good weight)

  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Driver" value="weightinmotion"/> - Serial Weight in Motion scale
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.ComPort" value="com3:9600,8,N,1:R" /> - Serial port settings
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.LeftTrim" value="1" /> - Trim left 1 special char off of the scale
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Mode" value="FireOnGood"/> - Fire scale on good read
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Format" value="Simple"/> - Simple weight syntax
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Divisor" value="1"/> - Divide scale value by this
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::prodRep.autoMakeCase" value="true"/> - Cause AutoFire to build a case

Typical Static IP Continuous Scale (Rice Lake)

  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Driver" value="RiceLakeWimIp"/> - IP Ricelake Driver
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.ComPort" value="" /> - IP Address and port
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Mode" value="Continuous"/> - Continuous output from scale
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Format" value="Simple"/> - Simple weight syntax
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Divisor" value="1"/> - Divisior

Static IP Probed Scale (Rice Lake)

  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Driver" value="RiceLakeWimIp"/> - IP Ricelake Driver
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.ComPort" value="" /> - IP Address and port
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Mode" value="Probe"/> - Probe Mode
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Format" value="Simple"/> - Simple weight syntax
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Divisor" value="1"/> - Divisor

No Scale (for netweight line)

  • <add key="MACHINENAME::Scale.Driver" value="None"/>

Case Printing Setup

  • <add key="MACHINENAME::casePrinterType" value="Bartender"/> - Use Bartender as the print system
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::palletPrintingEnabled" value="true" /> - Pallet printing is enabled
  • <add key="MACHINENAME::casePrintingEnabled" value="true" /> - Case Label printing is enabled

Major configuration knobs

Primary Setups

  • <add key="overrideLoginScreen" value="true"/> - Kiosk Mode - disable the login screen
  • <add key="enablePalletizer" value="true" /> - Turn the palletizer system on
  • <add key="enforceTare" value="true"/> - Process and use tares (and show them on the screen)
  • <add key="errorContactInfo" value="Contact System Operator"/> - Note to append to message boxes on the system
  • <add key="defaultSelectorDateMask" value ="MM-dd-yyyy" /> - Primary Date Mask for prod dates and sell by/use by dates (but just for screen).

Label Setup

  • <add key="generateGTIN" value="true" /> - Generate the gtin automatically from the product key
  • <add key="useManufacturerID" value="73007" /> - Manufacturer id to use to generate gtins

Adage Connections Setup

  • <add key="ERPClass" value="INFOR"/> - Erp System to interface to
  • <add key="ERPVersion" value="5.0"/> - General Erp version number
  • <add key="ERPInforATFPath" value="C:\Coolearth" /> - Directory to write TEE/ATF files to
  • <add key="createERPSublots" value="false"/> - Directly create sublots (not typically true post-adage 4.5)
  • <add key="scheduleIsPlant" value="false" /> - Schedule is by plant or by warehouse
  • <add key="SecurityLogFile" value="security.log" /> = Security/message log filename

ATF Sweeper Setup

TEE/ATF files are always written locally in the above directory. The sweeper system is used to copy files to the server (when the database is up).

  • <add key="StartFileSweepers" value="ATFSweeper" /> - Name of the sweeper - several may be created this way.
  • <add key="ATFSweeper.Enabled" value="false" /> - Default sweeper to off -- each station setup turns this on.
  • <add key="ATFSweeper.SweepMode" value="Push" /> - Mode is push - push files up onto server
  • <add key="ATFSweeper.FromPath" value="C:\Coolearth" /> - Directory to find local files to move
  • <add key="ATFSweeper.SweepMask" value="*.eif" /> - Filename mask for files to move
  • <add key="ATFSweeper.DriveLetter" value="S" /> - Drive letter which will be mounted
  • <add key="ATFSweeper.ShareName" value="\\server\atf" /> - Share name to be mounted
  • <add key="ATFSweeper.ToPath" value="live\20\TEST\" /> - Directory where files will be placed on the mounted drive
  • <add key="ATFSweeper.Username" value="server\infor" /> - Domain\username of share
  • <add key="ATFSweeper.Password" value="password" /> - Password of share
  • <add key="ATFSweeper.PerFilePause" value="1500" /> - Milliseconds to wait between files

Keypad Setup Decimals

  • <add key="Weight.Keypad" value="true" /> - Allow user to enter values into scale manually
  • <add key="Weight.Keypad.Places" value="1" /> - Number of decimal places for manual entry
  • <add key="trackFormatter" value="[GetConfig(plantCode)][GetConfig(lineKey)][Incrementer(PALLET)/0000000]" /> - Macro to build the track/pallet number
  • <add key="lotParser.EnforceSyntax" value="true"/> - Enforce the syntax for the regular expression of the lot parser
  • <add key="lotParser.Elements" value="shift,lineCode,year1,julian,uniqifier"/> - Elements within the lot which will be parsed out
  • <add key="lotParser.Syntax" value= "^(?<shift>[123]{1})(?<lineCode>[1-9]{1})(?<year1>[0-9]{1})(?<julian>[0-9]{3})(?<uniqifier>[0-9]{1})$"/> - Regular expression which validates and parsers lots
  • <add key="lotParser.PullDate.MaxPast" value="10"/> - How many days can use-by/pull-date/sell-by dates be backdated
  • <add key="lotParser.PullDate.MaxFuture" value="9999"/> How many days can these be futuredated
  • <add key="lotParser.LotDate.MaxPast" value="9999"/> - How many days in the past can lots be specified
  • <add key="lotParser.LotDate.MaxFuture" value="9999"/> - How many days in the future can they be specified.
  • <add key="Practice.ProdDate.Source" value="fromofficialdate"/> - Prod date taken from official time. Official time can be offset from midnight
  • <add key="lotFormatter" value ="\S\L\Y\J\J\J\U" /> - Default lot
  • <add key="lotRecomputePerPallet" value="false" /> - Is an automatically generated lot recomputed when a new pallet starts
  • <add key="suppressTareUI" value="false" /> - Suppress the Tare UI

Case Printing Setup

  • <add key="labelPath" value="C:\Coolearth\ColumbusLabels"/> - Where are the label files for printing in bartender
  • <add key="casePrintingEnabled" value="false" /> - Case labeling defaults to off. Turned back on for each stations's configuration
  • <add key="printRawCaseLabelMode" value="Separate"/> - In Raw Netweighting mode, are labels printable separately, or are they printed during palletization (Separate, or Pallet).
  • <add key="casePrinter" value="LabelPrinter" /> - Name of the case printer queue.
  • <add key="checkCaseWeight" value="false" /> - Check caseweights to see if they're in range. Print messagebox which can be overriden.
  • <add key="enforceCaseWeight" value="false" /> - Make the caseweight checking mandatory (operator cannot override).
  • <add key="casePrint.VideoJet.Template" value="ColumbusStandard"/> - Standard videojet template name.

Pallet Printing Setup

  • <add key="palletPrintingEnabled" value="false" /> - Pallet printing disabled by default
  • <add key="palletPrinter" value="PalletPrinter" /> - Pallet printer queue name
  • <add key="palletPrinterCopies" value="2" /> - Number of pallet label copies


  • <add key="atfCreateReportMisc" value="true"/> - Create an Adage Miscellaneous Production transaction
  • <add key="atfCreateReportProd" value="false"/> - Create an Adage Report Production transaction
  • <add key="interfaceMapics" value="false"/> - Interface transaction into the mapics interface table

Production Reporting Setup

  • <add key="palletizeInBackground" value="true"/> - Run the palletizer in the background
  • <add key="prodRep.ProdDateEditable" value="true" /> - Permit the operator to modify the prod date
  • <add key="productionDayOffsetInMinutes" value="180"/> - Offset the official day from midnight by 3 hours (3am to 3am is the day)
  • <add key="prodRep.UserParam.vc6.Format" value="[ProductGTIN()]" /> - User Parameter VC6 will be set to the GTIN
  • <add key="prodRep.UserParam.vc7.Format" value="[ProductionOrder()]" /> - User Parameter VC7 will be set to the production order (the mapics schedule)
  • <add key="prodRep.firePalletizeOnFull" value="true" /> - Fire the palletize button when a full pallet case count is reached
  • <add key="prodRep.lotReadOnly" value="false" /> - Make the lot editable
  • <add key="prodRep.reprintLabel" value="true" /> - Allow the label reprint
  • <add key="requireUniqueLotCertification" value="false" /> - Enforce lot certification - only works if the automated lot has a uniqifier turned on

Onscreen Keyboard Setup

Enable a separate on-screen keyboard.

  • <add key="osk.KeyboardPermitted" value="true"/>
  • <add key="osk.KillOnExit" value="true"/>

Administration Setup

Setup menu entries on an administrative menu. @@ functions are internal... Otherwise any .bat file can be specified. PasswordReq can be set if that entry requires the password to be set.

  • <add key="allowExit" value="false" />
  • <add key="adminMenu.Count" value="1" />
  • <add key="adminMenu.Password" value="coole11"/>
  • <add key="adminMenu.0.Legend" value="Exit Reporting Station"/>
  • <add key="adminMenu.0.Command" value="@@exit"/>
  • <add key="adminMenu.0.PasswordReq" value="false"/>