Difference between revisions of "36:Stage Ingredients Window Settings"

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Revision as of 18:47, 25 April 2006

Screen Settings (Ctrl-L)

Def SBin - textfield
Def IBin - textfield
Always Pick To New - checkbox
Combine Lots - checkbox
Show Assigned - checkbox
Allow interaction with Assigned Only - checkbox
Consider all inv (EXCEPT
ISSUE, HARD holds) - checkbox:
Def Pal# - textfield
Suggest whilst scrolling - checkbox
Show Full Pallet Qty - checkbox
Allow Over-picking - checkbox
Confirm Staging - checkbox
Infer split direction (Smart Split) - checkbox
Warn when tracking number not scanned - checkbox
Require SCAN OVERRIDE permission for manual track entry - checkbox
Prefer full pallet over FIFO - checkbox
Maximum number of alternates to show - textfield
Disable out of stock message - checkbox